study programme

Electrical Engineering

Faculty: FEECAbbreviation: BPA-ELEAcad. year: 2023/2024

Type of study programme: Bachelor's

Study programme code: B0788A060001

Degree awarded: Bc.

Language of instruction: English

Tuition Fees: 1000 EUR/academic year for EU students, 1000 EUR/academic year for non-EU students

Accreditation: 28.5.2019 - 28.5.2029

Profile of the programme

Academically oriented

Mode of study

Full-time study

Standard study length

3 years

Programme supervisor

Degree Programme Board

Fields of education

Area Topic Share [%]
Electrical Engineering Without thematic area 100

Study aims

Bachelor's degree program "Electrical Engineering" offers a university degree in electrical engineering with specialization in electronics and communication systems and with specialization in the field of electrical engineering and automation. The aim of the study program is to provide candidates with qualified knowledge, skills and abilities for use in the manufacturing, service or service engineering of the electrical industry.
The student is expected to acquire high quality theoretical knowledge of mathematics, physics, electrical engineering, basics of electronics related subjects, communication systems, power engineering and automation. Emphasis is also placed on general and professional language training.
The general-purpose higher education program provides a good basis for further complementing the theoretical knowledge in an electrical engineering related follow-up Master program.

Graduate profile

The Bachelor's degree programme Electrical Engineering provides higher education in all branches of low-current and heavy-current electrical engineering and electronics, including various fields of applied electronics, microelectronics, communication technologies and instruments, power engineering, electrical and electronic technology, and control and measurement. The programme is centered on educating electrical engineers and electronics exports having knowledge and skills within the design, engineering, operation, and application of electrical and electronic circuits, equipment, and systems.
At graduation, a student will have become acquainted with theoretical principles and special problems of mathematics, physics, electrical engineering, measurement, and applied information technology; particulars of the practical design, operation, and application of advanced electronic circuits and systems within low-current electronics and electronic communication technologies; elements of telecommunications as well as electric machinery, devices, drives, actuators, and power electronics; properties and options associated with materials for electrical engineering and microelectronics; and approaches to the diagnostics of relevant materials and equipment.
The graduates will be able to
- characterize technical systems and processes in electrical engineering;
- evaluate the results of calculations and measurements, based on critical thinking and the knowledge acquired during their studies;
- estimate and propose appropriate procedures to solve technical problems.

The graduate skills include
- applying basic and professional knowledge to solve specific problems or requirements within
- electrical engineering;
- selecting appropriate criteria to design and develop technical systems in electrical engineering;
- selecting appropriate criteria to set up and control technical processes in electrical engineering;
- solving a technical problem via the acquired knowledge of methods and by using suitable engineering instruments;
- evaluating the economic, social, and environmental impacts of technical solutions;
- commitment to further learning, education, and professional development.

Profession characteristics

The general knowledge of electrical engineering will enable graduates from the Bachelor’s programme BPA-ELE to find jobs in various subdomains of the electrical industry, especially as
- communication operators and specialists on the operation, servicing, and maintenance of electronic devices or systems;
- engineers and technicians responsible for designing, developing, and administering information and communication systems;
- technicians to operate measuring, control, and automation systems;
- operating professionals (such as energy experts) in trading and other companies, not limited to electrical engineering;
- specialists in the design, development, and production of electrical and electronic apparatuses or instruments, including devices with embedded intelligence.

In all these fields , the graduates will be fully capable of entering the lower management levels and corresponding technical ranks: The markedly practical character of the study programme will enable them to directly transfer to technical manufacturing, operation, and servicing or maintenance sectors, providing a very good basis for further knowledge development within the related post-bachelor Master’s study.

Study plan creation

Courses are evaluated according to ECTS credits. The credit expresses an approximate weekly student's workload for the course. Credits for a given course are obtained after the prescribed completion, i.e. after awarding a credit, classified credit, or by passing an exam under the conditions of the BUT Rules of Study and Examination, the internal standard of the Rules for Organization of Studies at FEEC and the composition and content individually defined in each course.
In a three-year bachelor study, the student must earn at least 180 credits in the specified credit composition:
for Electronics and Communication Technologies specialization:
164 credits in compulsory courses,
10 credits in specified groups of compulsory elective (PV) courses,
at least 6 credits in elective courses,
for Audio Production specialization:
155 credits in compulsory courses,
15 credits in specified groups of compulsory elective (PV) courses,
at least 9 credits in elective courses.

Obligatory courses are usually completed by the student in semesters and years as stated in the curriculum. If a student fails to complete a compulsory course in the prescribed manner, he / she must register it again in the following year of his / her studies.
Compulsory elective courses of profiling fundamentals (PVA) are field-oriented professional courses that profile the student into narrower areas of his / her interests.
Other compulsory (PVB) courses are other professional courses included in the offers of the departments of FEEC BUT. Their goal is to extend students' professional knowledge.
The student chooses to select PV courses in individual semesters so that at the end of his / her bachelor's degree he / she has at least the prescribed minimum of credits in each group of PV courses, while not obtaining the minimum number of credits in one group of PV courses cannot be compensated by exceeding the number of credits obtained in another group of PV courses.
Elective courses extend the general knowledge of students. Courses are chosen by the student himself or herself from a full-faculty offer (FEEC departments) or from the other faculties of VUT (so-called free courses) and can pass them in any year or semester of bachelor study. Elective courses include Physical Education or Czech language. If a student has not successfully completed an elective course, he / she may or may not write another academic year in the next academic year.
Students must obtain the corresponding electrotechnic qualification at the beginning of their study.

Availability for the disabled

All lecture rooms at the FEEC BUT allow disabled access; students, however, must meet the medical standards to acquire the necessary electrotechnical qualifications. In laboratory classes and practicals, students are required to independently operate measuring instruments and related equipment without endangering human health or damaging property.

What degree programme types may have preceded

The graduates may continue in a master's study programme.


Abbreviation Title (specialisation) Mandatory credits
BPA-ECTElectronics and Communication Technologies164
BPA-PSAPower Systems and Automation155