study programme

Physical Engineering and Nanotechnology

Faculty: FMEAbbreviation: D-FIN-AAcad. year: 2023/2024

Type of study programme: Doctoral

Study programme code: P0719D110005

Degree awarded: Ph.D.

Language of instruction: English

Accreditation: 16.10.2020 - 16.10.2030

Mode of study

Full-time study

Standard study length

4 years

Programme supervisor

Doctoral Board

Study aims

The aim of the doctoral study in the proposed programme is to prepare highly educated experts in the field of physical engineering and nanotechnology with sufficient foreign experience, who will be able to perform independent creative, scientific and research activities in academia or applications in our country and abroad. The study is based on the doctoral students' own creative and research work at the level standardly required at foreign workplaces in the areas of research carried out at the training workplace and supported by national and international projects. These are the following areas of applied physics: physics of surfaces and nanostructures, light and particle optics and microscopy, construction of physical instruments and equipment, micromechanics of materials.

Graduate profile

The graduate has knowledge, skills and competencies for their own creative activities in some of the areas in which the research activities of the training workplace are carried out. These are applications of physics especially in the field of physics of surfaces and nanostructures, two-dimensional materials, nanoelectronics, nanophotonics, micromagnetism and spintronics, biophotonics, advanced light microscopy and spectroscopy, electron microscopy, laser nanometrology and spectroscopy, computer controlled X-ray micro and nanotomography, micro and development of technological and analytical equipment and methods for micro/nanotechnologies. The possibility of using the personnel and material background provided by the CEITEC research infrastructure as well as extensive cooperation with important foreign workplaces contributes to the high level of education. This guarantees that the graduate is able to present the results of their work orally and in writing and discuss them in English. Due to high professional competencies and flexibility, graduates find employment both in universities and other research institutions in our country and abroad, and in high-tech companies in the positions of researchers, developers, designers or team leaders.

Profession characteristics

Due to their high professional competencies and flexibility, graduates find employment in the field of basic and applied research at universities and other research institutions in our country and abroad, as well as in high-tech companies in the positions of researchers, developers, designers and team leaders.

Fulfilment criteria

See applicable regulations, DEAN’S GUIDELINE Rules for the organization of studies at FME (supplement to BUT Study and Examination Rules)

Study plan creation

The rules and conditions of study programmes are determined by:
STUDY AND EXAMINATION RULES of Brno University of Technology (USING "ECTS"),
DEAN’S GUIDELINE Rules for the organization of studies at FME (supplement to BUT Study and Examination Rules)
DEAN´S GUIDELINE Rules of Procedure of Doctoral Board of FME Study Programmes
Students in doctoral programmes do not follow the credit system. The grades “Passed” and “Failed” are used to grade examinations, doctoral state examination is graded “Passed” or “Failed”.

Availability for the disabled

Brno University of Technology acknowledges the need for equal access to higher education. There is no direct or indirect discrimination during the admission procedure or the study period. Students with specific educational needs (learning disabilities, physical and sensory handicap, chronic somatic diseases, autism spectrum disorders, impaired communication abilities, mental illness) can find help and counselling at Lifelong Learning Institute of Brno University of Technology. This issue is dealt with in detail in Rector's Guideline No. 11/2017 "Applicants and Students with Specific Needs at BUT". Furthermore, in Rector's Guideline No 71/2017 "Accommodation and Social Scholarship“ students can find information on a system of social scholarships.

What degree programme types may have preceded

The presented doctoral study programme represents the highest level of education in the field of physical engineering and nanotechnology. Follows the academic and bachelor's and subsequent master's degree programme of "Physical Engineering and Nanotechnology", which are carried out at FME BUT.

Issued topics of Doctoral Study Program

  1. Applications of shaped electron beams

    In this project, the PhD candidate will study applications shaped beams in electron microscopy and spectroscopy. The student will focus on fast and damage-free imaging and spectroscopy, probing low-energy excitations beyond the usual selection rules and studying optical dichroism, everything down to the atomic scale.

    Tutor: Konečná Andrea, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  2. Applications of shaped electron beams

    In this project, the PhD candidate will study applications shaped beams in electron microscopy and spectroscopy. The student will focus on fast and damage-free imaging and spectroscopy, probing low-energy excitations beyond the usual selection rules and studying optical dichroism, everything down to the atomic scale.

    Tutor: Konečná Andrea, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  3. Corrector of optical aberrations of the electron microscope

    Rotationally symmetric electromagnetic lenses used for imaging in electron microscopy are burdened by imaging aberrations that limit their resolution. Several physical principles have been described in the literature, which make it possible to correct aberrations of electromagnetic lenses. Image correction can be achieved, for example, by a multi-pole electromagnetic field, a phase plate formed by a solid substance or field, an electrostatic mirror and others. Correction systems have been successfully implemented on some types of electron microscopes (e.g. a hexapole corrector for a spherical aberration in a transmission microscope). The dissertation will be focused on the methodology of correction of imaging aberrations and the design of a correction system for an electron microscope in cooperation with the company TESCAN.

    Tutor: Zlámal Jakub, Ing., Ph.D.

  4. Correlative analysis of wide band gap materials

    Wide band gap materials are in the center of current technological advancement in power electronics, mostly due to recently developed fabrication techniques of bulk crystals. Most importantly, SiC and GaN have started to question silicon use in certain applications. However, compared to silicon, current know-how of relevant properties of these materials is not mature enough. Student will focus on analysis of defects in SiC and GaN by correlative micro- and spectroscopies. A part of the work is a realization of proof-of-concept device in electronics/optoelectronics. A necessary prerequisite is solid knowledge of solid state physics and principles of relevant spectroscopic techniques. The research will be conducted in collaboration with Thermo Fisher Scientific or Onsemi. Students are strongly advised to contact the supervisor before the official admission interview.

    Tutor: Kolíbal Miroslav, prof. Ing., Ph.D.

  5. Electron beam energy filter

    Electron sources used in electron microscopes generate a beam with an energy distribution whose width is characteristic of the given source. The low energy dispersion is advantageous for microscopic techniques, because especially at low accelerating voltage, the contribution of the chromatic aberration is a significant factor limiting the resolution. The aim of the dissertation will be the design of an energy filter for the electron beam, which will enable the narrowing of the energy distribution in the electron beam emitted from the Schottky source and its realization in cooperation with the TESCAN company.

    Tutor: Zlámal Jakub, Ing., Ph.D.

  6. Growth or organic semiconductors on weakly interacting substrates

    Graphene-based variable barrier interface transistors present a promising concept for organic semiconductor devices with several advantages, i.e., high driving current, high-speed operation, flexibility, and scalability while being less demanding for lithography. However, this research requires a multilevel experimental approach, as the substrate determines the growth of the first layers, which, in turn, influences the growth of thin films. The goal of the Ph.D. is to describe and optimize the growth of organic semiconductors on graphene from the mono- to multilayers. The Ph. D. study's experimental research within the Ph.D. study aims to understand the kinetics deposition/self-assembly phenomena of organic molecular semiconductors as a function of temperature, flux, and graphene doping. We will employ a range of complementary techniques including low energy electron microscopy, X-ray and ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy and scanning tunneling microscopy, all integrated in a single complex ultrahigh vacuum system. The Studies are supported by a running project.

    Tutor: Čechal Jan, prof. Ing., Ph.D.

  7. In-situ preparation and modification of two dimensional nanostructures

    Revealing the growth mechanisms at nanoscale is particularly challenging from many reasons. The most prominent advances in physics of nanostructure growth were achieved utilizing real-time in-situ monitoring techniques (both microscopic and spectroscopic). In our group, we have a large expertise in real time electron microscopy. The aim of this PhD dissertation is to work on revealing puzzling growth modes of twodimensional nanostructures of interest (silicene, phosphorene, transition metal selenides etc.) utilizing state-of-the-art equipment, as well as study of their interaction with electrons, oxidation and modification (e.g. formation of Janus monolayers).

    Tutor: Kolíbal Miroslav, prof. Ing., Ph.D.

  8. Miniaturized on-chip-setup for levitation and cooling of nanoobjects

    The PhD thesis will focus on the miniaturization of an assembly for levitation of nano-objects using machined optical fibers, surface microstructures and nanostructures. The goal is to create a functional chip to trap a nanoparticle, cool its mechanical motion modes, and find experimental limits to achieve the ground quantum state of the cooled nanoparticle. The PhD thesis will involve a unique experimental setup at the Institute of Scientific Instruments of the Czech Academy of Sciences in Brno (ISI), using advanced nanotechnologies at ISI and CEITEC laboratories in Brno. The PhD student is expected to perform experiments, analyze and interpret the results. The ISI will provide salary and material conditions for the work for a period of 4 years and international contacts of the PhD student with experts from world leading laboratories.

    Tutor: Jákl Petr, Ing., Ph.D.

  9. Semiclassical optomechanics with more nanoobjects

    The PhD thesis will experimentally develop a new and promising problem of cold nanoparticles levitating in vacuum and interacting with a laser beam in a controlled manner. The advantage of such an arrangement is that the interaction of the nanoparticles with the thermal environment is minimized and takes place dominantly through coherent photons of the laser beam or photons scattered by the particles. The distribution of photon flux in the laser beam can be controlled in space and time, thereby controlling the dynamics of the nanoparticles in space. In this way, mechanical energy can be removed from the nanoparticles and the amplitude of their deflections can be reduced to the interface between classical and quantum behaviour. The experimental system described here will allow the observation of a number of unique physical effects at the interface between classical and quantum physics, and points towards a novel realization of quantum technologies with objects much larger than atoms. The PhD thesis will implement a unique experimental setup at the Institute of Scientific Instruments of the Czech Academy of Sciences (ISI), which will allow to trap multiple nanoparticles, remove their mechanical energy and rapidly change the spatial distribution of intensity and phase in the trapping laser beams over time. The aim of this work will be to observe the behaviour of nanoparticles at the interface between classical and quantum physics. The PhD student is expected to perform experiments, analyze and interpret the results. The ISI will provide salary and material conditions for the work for a period of 4 years and international contacts of the PhD student with experts from world leading laboratories.

    Tutor: Brzobohatý Oto, Mgr., Ph.D.

1. round (applications submitted from 17.04.2023 to 28.05.2023)

  1. Growth or organic semiconductors on weakly interacting substrates

    Graphene-based variable barrier interface transistors present a promising concept for organic semiconductor devices with several advantages, i.e., high driving current, high-speed operation, flexibility, and scalability while being less demanding for lithography. However, this research requires a multilevel experimental approach, as the substrate determines the growth of the first layers, which, in turn, influences the growth of thin films. The goal of the Ph.D. is to describe and optimize the growth of organic semiconductors on graphene from the mono- to multilayers. The Ph. D. study's experimental research within the Ph.D. study aims to understand the kinetics deposition/self-assembly phenomena of organic molecular semiconductors as a function of temperature, flux, and graphene doping. We will employ a range of complementary techniques including low energy electron microscopy, X-ray and ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy and scanning tunneling microscopy, all integrated in a single complex ultrahigh vacuum system. The Studies are supported by a running project.

    Tutor: Čechal Jan, prof. Ing., Ph.D.

Course structure diagram with ECTS credits

Study plan wasn't generated yet for this year.