study programme
Machines and Equipment
Original title in Czech: Stroje a zařízeníFaculty: FSIAbbreviation: D4Z-PAcad. year: 2023/2024
Type of study programme: Doctoral
Study programme code: P2302
Degree awarded: Ph.D.
Accreditation: 1.1.1999 - 31.12.2024
Specific admission requirements
The student must have finished a relevant field of technical science MSc study programme.
The admission procedure consists of the parts from applied mathematics and physics and a discussion on a topic related to the subject of PhD study programme.
Key learning outcomes
Examination regulations, assessment and grading
Graduation requirements
final state examination, doctoral thesis
Mode of study
full-time study
Programme supervisor
Abbreviation | Title (specialisation) | Mandatory credits |
D-KPI (A) | Design and Process Engineering (Automobilní a dopravní inženýrství) | |
D-KPI (E) | Design and Process Engineering (Energetické inženýrství) | |
D-KPI (F) | Design and Process Engineering (Fluidní inženýrství) | |
D-KPI (K) | Design and Process Engineering (Konstrukční inženýrství) | |
D-KPI (L) | Design and Process Engineering (Stavba letadel a provoz letadel) | |
D-KPI (P) | Design and Process Engineering (Procesní inženýrství) | |
D-KPI (Ř) | Design and Process Engineering (Řízení strojů a procesů) | |
D-KPI (S) | Design and Process Engineering (Stroje a zařízení) | |
D-KPI (T) | Design and Process Engineering (Technika prostředí) |