study programme

Food Chemistry

Original title in Czech: Potravinářská chemieFaculty: FCHAbbreviation: DPCP_PCHAcad. year: 2024/2025

Type of study programme: Doctoral

Study programme code: P0531D130065

Degree awarded: Ph.D.

Language of instruction: Czech

Accreditation: 24.9.2020 - 24.9.2030

Mode of study

Full-time study

Standard study length

4 years

Programme supervisor

Doctoral Board

Fields of education

Area Topic Share [%]
Food Science Without thematic area 50
Chemistry Without thematic area 50

Issued topics of Doctoral Study Program

  1. Freeze-dried candies with the addition of bilberry extract (Vaccinium myrtillus)

    Lyophilization is a modern method of food preservation, the product retains a significant part of nutritionally and sensorially valuable substances. Although it has been used for the preservation of various foods, freeze-dried candies are quite new on the market. As part of the work, a blueberry extract will be prepared, which will then be applied to candy samples. Bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus) is a medicinal plant from the Ericaceae family. Thanks to the high content of biologically active substances such as antioxidants, anthocyanins, tannins, vitamins, etc., many healing effects are attributed to it. The extract preparation procedure will be optimized with the aim of maximum yield of bioactive compounds, the prepared extract will be comprehensively characterized using a combination of modern analytical (SPME, GC-MS, HPLC), spectroscopic (antioxidant activity, TPC) and microbiological (antimicrobial activity) methods. In the application part, the procedure for producing model samples of candies with the addition of (concentrated or lyophilized) extract will be optimized. These will be comprehensively characterized using the sensory descriptive and above mentioned chemical and microbiological methods. Finally, the candies will be subjected to lyophilization, the quality and acceptability of these products will be assessed by sensory analysis. All results will be processed using multivariate statistical methods in order to assess the effect of the addition of the extract on the sensory quality and nutritional value of the produced samples.

    Tutor: Vítová Eva, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  2. Molecular biological approaches in the analysis of nucleic acids and proteins in foods and food supplements

    Nucleic acids and proteins are among the biopolymers that are the basic structural and functional molecules of all living organisms. While nucleic acids store genetic information, proteins have structural, transport, catalytic, regulatory, protective functions in the body. Proteins and nucleic acids are also found in most foods from plant and animal production. Contamination of food by various pathogenic organisms causes a great danger in food, on the other hand a number of microorganisms are used in the food industry in a targeted manner and probiotic bacteria have a positive effect on the microflora of the large intestine. Within this topic, molecular biology methods will be used to characterize the authenticity, composition of food, pathogenic viruses and microorganisms with emphasis on pathogens that may be primarily or secondarily introduced into the food matrix. The used methodological procedures have a wide range of uses in the analysis of raw materials, food and medical applications. Cooperation with a foreign workplace is expected.

    Tutor: Brázda Václav, prof. Mgr., Ph.D.

  3. Production and characterization of some biologically active metabolites of selected yeasts and microalgae

    The aim of this PhD thesis will be the study of some yeasts and microalgae (mainly heterotrophic) to production of selected metabolites by significant biological effects applicable to food, feed, food supplements and cosmetics. Growth and production charactersitics of microbial producers will be characterized and structure and effects of target metabolites (proteins, pigments, lipids, beta-glucans) will be evaluated as well. As a part of this study optimization of methods for evaluation of complex effect of prepared metabolites on living systems. Antioxidative and antimicrobial effect will be evaluated using several types of test microorganisms. Safety, quality and biological effect will be studied using cytotoxicity tests on human cell lines with different type of detection. Stability in different application forms will be tested in model and real conditions.

    Tutor: Mikulíková Renata, doc. RNDr., Ph.D.

  4. Research and development of new high-protein foods

    In recent years, the global food industry has experienced a remarkable surge in demand for functional foods that provide both enhanced nutritional value and sensory satisfaction. A significant aspect of the functional foods sector concentrates on products with high protein content. The purpose of this study is to explore the potential use of various types of animal and plant isolates as additives in the production of high-protein foods, including dairy, cereals, and other products. As part of this research, we will investigate the impact of adding protein isolates on the nutritional, physical, and sensory properties of newly developed foods.

    Tutor: Diviš Pavel, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  5. Study of the biodegradation and environmental fate of selected polyester-based polymers

    The food industry generates a significant amount of solid waste composed of polymeric materials, particularly arising from the use of polymers in food packaging. In recent years, there has been an effort to replace resistant synthetic polymers with biodegradable materials, primarily based on polyesters. The objective of the proposed dissertation is to investigate the biodegradation of these materials in various environments, assess the mechanism and kinetics of their decomposition in the context of diversity and activity of the present microflora, identify the main microorganisms involved in biodegradation processes, and also focus on the risks associated with the potential formation of microplastics, including an assessment of their stability in specific environments.

    Tutor: Obruča Stanislav, prof. Ing., Ph.D.

  6. Study of the interaction of natural and synthetic substances in food with nucleic acids

    Nucleic acids are found in all cells. For DNA, the most common structure is the so-called B-DNA structure, however, DNA is a very dynamic molecule and depending on its environment, sequence and interaction with other molecules and proteins, it can occur in many other double or multi-stranded structures. RNA is an even more dynamic molecule, and its proper arrangement is essential for its proper function. Within this topic, molecular biological methods will be used to investigate how foods and dietary supplements interact with nucleic acids and their various structural motifs. As part of the study, bioinformatic and biophysical and molecular biological methods will be used to study the occurrence of local structures in nucleic acids and their interaction with substances that are used in medicine and the food industry.

    Tutor: Brázda Václav, prof. Mgr., Ph.D.

  7. The study of production and biological effects of exopolysaccharides of some microbial producers

    This thesis is focused on screening of some microorganisms to effective production of extracellular polysaccharides. Microorganisms will be cultivated in monocultures and co-cultures under optimum conditions and external stress (predominantly nutrition stress and effect of heavy metals) and on some waste substrates. Produced exopolysaccharides will be characterized structurally and biologically with the aim to reach hogh yields of preparatves applicable to food supplements, pharmacy and cosmetics. As a part of this study optimization of methods for evaluation of complex effect of prepared cell mixtures on living systems. Antioxidative effect will be evaluated spectrophotometrically, antimicrobial effect will be evaluated using several types of test microorganisms. Safety, quality and biological effect will be studied using a battery of cytotoxicity tests on human cell lines with different type of detection. Detailed characterization of application forms will be performed and long-term stability in some model and reals conditions will be tested.

    Tutor: Mikulíková Renata, doc. RNDr., Ph.D.

Course structure diagram with ECTS credits

1. year of study, both semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
DCO_PCHBFood Chemistry and Biochemistrycs0CompulsoryColyes
DCO_ANPFood Analysiscs0Compulsory-optionalColyes
DCO_BIPBioprocess engineering for food industrycs0Compulsory-optionalColyes
DCO_KCHPColloid chemistry for food industrycs0Compulsory-optionalColyes
DCO_METMetrology and experimental data processingcs0Compulsory-optionalColyes
DCO_MPVModern methods of food waste valorizationcs0Compulsory-optionalColyes
DCO_MOBAdvanced Molecular Biotechnologycs0Compulsory-optionalColyes
DCO_OCHAdvanced Organic Chemistrycs0Compulsory-optionalColyes
DCO_SPZAdvanced bioanalytical methodscs0Compulsory-optionalColyes
DCO_PMMikrobiology in Food Industry cs0Compulsory-optionalColyes
DCO_PIEngineering for Food Industrycs0Compulsory-optionalColyes
DCO_POTSpecialized Food Technologiescs0Compulsory-optionalColyes