study programme

Chemistry, Technology and Properties of Materials

Original title in Czech: Chemie, technologie a vlastnosti materiálůFaculty: FCHAbbreviation: DPCP_CHM_4_NAcad. year: 2024/2025

Type of study programme: Doctoral

Study programme code: P0531D130049

Degree awarded: Ph.D.

Language of instruction: Czech

Accreditation: 30.4.2020 - 30.4.2030

Mode of study

Full-time study

Standard study length

4 years

Programme supervisor

Doctoral Board

Fields of education

Area Topic Share [%]
Chemistry Without thematic area 100

Issued topics of Doctoral Study Program

  1. Additive hybrid perovskite materials from research to applications

    The aim of the thesis is to study the properties of hybrid perovskite systems containing a suitable type of organic and inorganic additives. The study is focused on the performance and stability of perovskites with regard to potential applications

    Tutor: Krajčovič Jozef, prof. Ing., Ph.D.

  2. Advanced materials for organic and hybrid solar cells

    The work will deal with the preparation and characterization of materials - organic semiconductors, which are perspective for use in the field of organic and hybrid photovoltaics. Organic solar cells will be prepared and characterized by methods of material printing and other methods and their properties will be studied. Attention will be focused on characterization of optical and electrical properties of materials and solar cells. The aim is to optimize the properties of solar cells with respect to their specific application possibilities. It is expected that the PhD student will be involved in an international research project focusing on organic photovoltaics.

    Tutor: Weiter Martin, prof. Ing., Ph.D.

  3. Advanced surface treatment of cementitious materials

    The application of concrete surface treatments has been widely investigated over the past decades. The treatment via silicate-based sealers is becoming increasingly popular in concrete technology especially in preventing deterioration when exposed to extremely aggressive environments. Therefore, this thesis aims to develop a new generation of alkaline silicate sealers improved by appropriate organic admixtures. Moreover, the comprehensive understanding of the sealer interaction mechanisms with the cementitious substrate and its direct impact on durability aspects of treated concrete will also be the significant objectives of this work. The gained knowledge will help to predict the service life of surface treated concrete and open an opportunity to produce more sustainable building materials.

    Tutor: Kalina Lukáš, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  4. Advanced welding technologies for use in the nuclear power industry

    The work focuses on the study of the microstructure of welded steels used in the nuclear power industry. The steels will be welded by the TIG (Tungsten Inert Gas) method using different types of shielding gas. It will be investigated whether the use of different types of gases has an effect on the microstructure and overall properties of the welded joint. The properties investigated will include flexural strength, fracture toughness, hardness (microhardness) and corrosion resistance of the welded joint. The weld will also be tested using standard non-destructive tests - visual, liquid penetrant and radiographic. The basic observation will be the occurrence of individual structural phases (ferrite, pearlite, bainite, austenite, delta ferrite, etc.) and especially their localisation in the welded joint.

    Tutor: Wasserbauer Jaromír, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  5. Application of LDH conversion coatings on Mg substrates prepared by powder metalurgy

    The dissertation will involve the preparation and subsequent characterisation of double bonded hydroxide (LDH) coatings and coated specimens. The coatings are promising for corrosion protection and biomedical applications. A summary of the results will be prepared based on available and relevant sources, which will be used for further practical and scientific activities. Magnesium substrates for the subsequent deposition of coatings will be prepared using appropriate powder metallurgy techniques. These substrates will then be coated with LDH coatings with potential use in medical applications. The coatings and coated Mg samples will be evaluated in terms of surface morphology, elemental and phase composition. In addition, the structure of the samples and their corrosion resistance will be evaluated with particular reference to electrochemical techniques such as potentiodynamic polarisation and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy.

    Tutor: Wasserbauer Jaromír, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  6. Effect of crystallization conditions on the final properties of industrial gypsum

    A relatively frequent and very useful secondary product of many chemical productions are chemostats. Some of them can also be used without modification, similar to products from the desulfurization of flue gas from power plants. However, there remains more than 70% of chemogypsum, which due to its properties cannot be used and is thus deposited without use. The aim of the dissertation is to describe the crystallization process of chemogypsum from various sources, to understand, clarify and describe the crystallization process. Focus on the relationship between the environment, conditions, composition of the solution and the resulting properties of the crystallization product (chemogypsum). Verify these mechanisms experimentally and focus on monitoring the size and shape of the formed crystals, their physical and chemical properties.

    Tutor: Opravil Tomáš, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  7. Effect of measures to reduce the carbon footprint on the properties of Portland cement

    The subject of the work will be research on the influence of individual production measures in the production of Portland cement, which are currently being rapidly introduced in connection with the fulfillment of the challenges of the European Green Deal agreement to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. Among the basic measures are the application of an increasing number of alternative fuels replacing fossil fuels, the use of alternative non-carbonate raw materials for the production of clinker and the expansion of the spectrum of supplementary cement raw materials for the production of mixed cements. At the same time, new production technologies and technological elements reducing carbon dioxide emissions are gradually being introduced. All these interventions in the established production of Portland cement must necessarily affect its composition and properties, which brings new challenges in the field of research and development of Portland cement.

    Tutor: Šoukal František, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  8. Effect of substrate and geometry on the size of the anomalous Nernst phenomenon

    The proposed thesis is focused on the study of the anomalous Nernst effect in various experimental geometries. Literature research and knowledge of material physics will be of key importance. The student will determine several suitable methods of measurement, fabricate devices from different materials and systematically measure the anomalous Nernst coefficient. The materials and the devices will be prepared within the CEITEC Nano facility. The main task of the student will be the proposal and testing of the design of these components. It will focus mainly on the influence of geometry, material and experimental setup (measurement with unidirectional or alternating temperature gradient). The aim of the work is to determine anomalous Nernst effect in selected materials and to design an experimental setup for optimal measurement of this phenomenon.

    Tutor: Čech Vladimír, prof. RNDr., Ph.D.

  9. Historical binders and the possibilities of their use in the current construction industry

    The current construction industry relies primarily on the production of Portland cement. Portland cement is a modern hydraulic binder, whose durability and stability can be assessed for a little over a hundred years. In contrast to this phenomenon of the present, there are still many preserved buildings from several thousand years before Christ, which are still standing whole or their torso. This dissertation will mainly deal with earlier technologies for the production of ancient binders and their applications in the contemporary construction industry. In particular, it will be about the study and the possibilities of using Romanesque and Roman cements. In the case of the use and application of these binders in the current construction industry, the amount of CO2 produced during the production of Portland cement could be reduced and a considerable amount of energy could be saved, since both of the above-mentioned historical binders are produced at significantly lower temperatures.

    Tutor: Opravil Tomáš, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  10. New materials and printing technologies for efficient touch devices and sensors

    TThe work is pointed out towards study of novel materials and application of the material printing techniques in the field of printed electronics, mainly touch-screens and/or organic and bioelectronic applications. Screen-printing technology will be in-dept studied – design of structures of electronic devices , projection on the screen by photolithograpy, the technology of the printed pastes, screen-printing of samples. The printed films will be characterized and estimated by mechanical, optical and electrical measurements. The work is implemented with the support of applied research projects with the participation of a wider consortium of industrial and other partners.

    Tutor: Weiter Martin, prof. Ing., Ph.D.

  11. New organic functional materials for biosensing applications

    The thesis will focus on the design and synthesis of new organic receptors with the aim of selective binding of selected biologically relevant analytes (cations, small biomolecules, etc.) The student will focus on the area of new crown-ether derivatives (modification of cavity size, type of heteroatoms in the chain). For the synthesized derivatives, the focus will be on the subsequent study of supramolecular properties and analytical response of complexation for potential use in biosensing applications.

    Tutor: Krajčovič Jozef, prof. Ing., Ph.D.

  12. Non-fullerene acceptors based on high performance dyes and pigments for organic photovoltaics

    The work deals with targeted chemical modification of organic dyes and pigments, synthesis of their polymers and co-polymers. The design of molecules will be focused on the study of the effect of chemical modification on the resulting electron-acceptor properties of materials for applications in organic photovoltaics

    Tutor: Krajčovič Jozef, prof. Ing., Ph.D.

  13. Novel organic materials for electrostimulation of living cells and applications in bioelectronics

    The work will deal with preparation and characterization of new organic materials, which are prospective for use in bioelectronics. Attention will be focused primarily on the characterization of the optical and electrical properties of materials prepared in the form of thin films. The possibilities of using materials in thin-film sensory systems to stimulate cells and study their response will be studied. The work will be implemented with the support of a basic research project in collaboration with other workplaces, including foreign ones.

    Tutor: Weiter Martin, prof. Ing., Ph.D.

  14. Study of curing kinetics of polyester-based reactoplasts using rotational rheometry combined with Raman spectroscopy

    The content of the work is the synthesis of functionalized polyester resins with a bio-component or a component from recyclable waste raw materials, with the future intention of using these materials for 3D printable applications. The kinetics of photo- or thermally initiated polymer cross-linking with the possibility of analyzing kinetic parameters using rheological parameters (e.g. viscosity, storage and loss modulus) and Raman spectra. The use of simultaneous measurement of rheology and Raman spectroscopy will enable a detailed understanding of the reaction mechanism under the influence of not only temperature but also mechanical influences, which is key for the correct setting of the rheological behavior and curing kinetics of 3D printing resins. The experiments and their evaluation will take place partly at the BUT in Brno and partly at the Johannes Kepler University in Linz (the stay here can be financed, for example, by a scholarship from the ERASMUS program).

    Tutor: Kráčalík Milan, prof. Ing., Ph.D.

  15. Synthesis of polymers based on organic pigments for applications in organic electronics and bioelectronics

    The subject of the dissertation thesis will be the synthesis and study of the properties of polymers based on organic high-performance pigments for applications in the field of organic electronics and bioelectronics. The influence of aliphatic side chains linked to the lactam units of organic pigments as well as the influence of comonomeric aromatic units of both electron acceptor and donor character on the optoelectric properties of the resulting derivatives will be studied.

    Tutor: Krajčovič Jozef, prof. Ing., Ph.D.

Course structure diagram with ECTS credits

1. year of study, both semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
DCO_FCHMPhysics and chemistry of materialscs0CompulsoryDrExyes
DCO_FPDPhotoinduced processes in molecular materialscs0Compulsory-optionalDrExyes
DCO_KMCeramic materialscs0Compulsory-optionalDrExyes
DCO_KOVMetallic Materialscs0Compulsory-optionalDrExyes
DC_MIM cs0Compulsory-optionalDrExyes
DCO_MPMMaterials Science-Fundamentals and Advancescs0Compulsory-optionalDrExyes
DCO_MMMolecular materialscs0Compulsory-optionalDrExyes
DCO_PMTAdvanced Materials Technologies and Applicationscs0Compulsory-optionalExyes
DCO_PTVPreparation and properties of thin layers of materialscs0Compulsory-optionalDrExyes
DCO_VSDUtilisation of secondary productscs0Compulsory-optionalDrExyes