study programme

Biophysical Chemistry

Faculty: FCHAbbreviation: DPAP_BCHAcad. year: 2024/2025

Type of study programme: Doctoral

Study programme code: P0531D130046

Degree awarded: Ph.D.

Language of instruction: English

Accreditation: 8.10.2019 - 8.10.2029

Mode of study

Full-time study

Standard study length

4 years

Programme supervisor

Doctoral Board

Fields of education

Area Topic Share [%]
Chemistry Without thematic area 100

Study aims

The main objective of the study is to train highly educated professionals in the field of biophysical chemistry, intended for independent creative, scientific and research activity. The objective of biophysical chemistry, as a field of science, is to provide physical-chemical and biochemical explanations of functions and activity of biological systems. The student is taught to independently formulate a scientific problem, suggest hypotheses and methods for its solution and perform experimental or theoretical trials to verify it. An integral part of the studies is a training of skills for critical assessment of published scientific information and abilities to express themselves, in writing and verbally, in English professional language.
The study program focuses on an independent creative activity in the field of biophysical chemistry, includes both, theoretical and experimental work and prepares the graduates for scientific and research activity. The studies are realized in cooperation with a foreign partner in the form of a “joint degree”. The key parts of studies are physical-chemical and biochemical rudiments of biological processes and biomaterials. These are further developed according the selected theme of a thesis in the field of biocolloid chemistry, nanobiotechnology, biophysical instrumental techniques, immunochemistry, technology of biomaterials. Students enroll subjects, theoretical and laboratory activities in the way to meet requirements of the FCH BUT and a specific foreign partner.
The focus of doctoral degree programs provides graduates with acquisition of theoretical knowledge and experimental erudition in basic and applied chemistry fields (physical chemistry, chemistry and technology of materials, macromolecular chemistry, food science and biotechnology and chemistry and technology of environment). Students’ qualification works are then oriented into fields that are dealt by academic and scientific research workers of the faculty, especially with the support of research projects. The faculty has contemporary technology equipment acquired inter alia within development and grant programs (e.g. the OP VaVpl project of Material research center), which usage is ensured by key academical workers of individual facilities. Thanks to this, the basic prerequisites for professional activity of doctoral candidates are created.

Graduate profile

A graduate of the program is a professional with high competences, able to participate in highly qualified scientific research activity based on physical-chemical and biochemical principles and processes, especially at universities and Academy of Science, research institutions, but also in the industrial research. The graduate is capable of independent creative activity in the field of biophysical chemistry. Thanks to the wide range of uses of biophysical chemistry, graduates can very well employ not only in the fields of biophysical-chemical research, but also in other fields of healthcare or studies of living systems. Thanks to the compulsory internship and the obligation to present results in international magazines, they can also find employment at similar positions abroad.
The main objective of the study is to train highly educated professionals in the field of biophysical chemistry, with sufficient experiences from abroad, intended for the independent creative, scientific and research activity. The graduate is able to independently formulate a scientific problem, suggest hypotheses and methods for its solution and perform experimental or theoretical trials to verify it. An integral part of the studies is a training of skills for critical assessment of published scientific information and abilities to express themselves in common and professional English language, in writing and verbally, and work in an international team.
Pursuant to the European Qualifications Framework, the outcomes of the study in doctoral degree study program meet the highest level – the EQF 8 level, which characterizes graduates as highly educated individuals in the field, eventually in the interdisciplinary problematics, who masters specialized and highly advanced techniques, are able to independently solve problems, show authority, innovative potential and academic and professional integrity, develop new processes for the work, studies or research.

Profession characteristics

The main objective of the Biophysical chemistry program is to train highly educated professionals in the field of biophysical chemistry, intended for independent creative, scientific and research activity. The objective of biophysical chemistry, as a field of science, is to provide physical-chemical and biochemical explanations of functions and activity of biological systems. The student is taught to independently formulate a scientific problem, suggest hypotheses and methods for its solution and perform experimental or theoretical trials to verify it. An integral part of the studies is a training of skills for critical assessment of published scientific information and abilities to express themselves, in writing and verbally, in English professional language.
Within this program, professionals with high competences will be trained, who will be able to participate in highly qualified scientific research activity based on physical-chemical and biochemical principles and processes, especially at universities and Academy of Science, research institutions, but also in the industrial research. The graduate is capable of independent creative activity in the field of biophysical chemistry and has sufficient foreign experiences. Thanks to the wide range of uses of biophysical chemistry, graduates can very well employ not only in the fields of biophysical-chemical research, but also in other fields of healthcare or studies of living systems, in the Czech Republic or in international teams.
Graduates of the doctoral studies has prerequisites to find employment at institutions of applied or basic nature, both in scientific-pedagogical and managerial positions. They can also find employment in an industrial praxis at highly specialized technological positions, acquired skills and competences allows them to be at managerial and controlling functions. They can apply in all above stated fields without problems, both in the Czech Republic and abroad.

Fulfilment criteria

Requirements of the study are generally set by the BUT Study and Examination Regulations. Specific study obligations are determined in the individual study plan. The realization of the double-degree international study program of Biophysical Chemistry is performed within the close cooperation with the partner university – University of Huelva, Spain, and with other foreign experts and experts from the application field. An individual study plan is made for every student with precise definition of responsibilities in individual countries.
A student enrolled to study at the FCH BUT enrolls and passes exams from one compulsory and at least two compulsory electives with respect to the focus of his / her thesis. He / She can sign up for the state doctoral examination only after passing all examinations given by his / her individual study plan. Prior to the state doctoral exam, the student elaborates a treatise on dissertation thesis in which he / she describes objectives of the work in detail, thoroughly evaluates the state of knowledge in the field dealt within the dissertation, eventually nature of methods that will be used for solving. The defense of the treatise, which is opposed, is a part of the state doctoral exam. In the next part of the exam, the student has to show thorough theoretical knowledge of the field. The state doctoral exam is in the verbal form and consists of thematic areas related to compulsory theoretical subject of Biophysical Chemistry and compulsory electives.
The student signs-up for the dissertation thesis defense after passing the state doctoral examination and after meeting the conditions for graduation, such as participation in lectures, at least six-month long study or work internship abroad, at least one oral presentation in English (conferences, workshops…) and meeting the below stated conditions of the creative activity.
For Spain students, conditions given by the UHU regulations are binding, they do not contain partial exams or the state doctoral exam. It is necessary to elaborate a dissertation thesis, publish its results and submit the thesis supplemented by publications to defense. The graduate acquires the Dr. degree. Czech students at the UHU are offered practical courses that are alternative to the practical courses at the FCH.
Within the double degree program, it is possible to gain a degree at both universities in the case that the student meets the binding conditions given by the regulations of corresponding university and perform a part of the study at a partner university. Regarding to the fact that at the UHU no partial exams are required, the student can choose from several practical courses as an alternative to the Czech courses.

Study plan creation

The realization of the double-degree international study program of Biophysical Chemistry is performed within the close cooperation with the partner university – University of Huelva, Spain, and with other foreign experts and experts from the application field. An individual study plan is made for every student with precise definition of responsibilities in individual countries.
The set of subject reflects current development of the interdisciplinary area of biophysical chemistry including the specter of its practical applications. The study follows the rules of the parent university, including admission procedure conditions and the students’ obligations.
For students enrolled to study at FCH BUT, rules and conditions of the individual study plans creations and all responsibilities related to study are given by the BUT Study and Examination Regulations, Article 32, and they are specified by the relevant faculty directive. Upon the commencement of the study, the content of the study and related creative activities are determined, together with at least three study subjects that are compulsory (for all students, the Biophysical Chemistry is compulsory), related activities (foreign, eventually domestic, internships, participation in conferences) and teaching practice. The time schedule of all activities for the first grade, overlooking the years to come, is determined as well. Compliance with the individual study plan is annually assessed by the student and the supervisor, and subsequently it is discussed by the subject committee that approves it.
During the first five semesters, a doctoral candidate passes exams from the one compulsory subject and two compulsory electives and intensively focuses on the study and analysis of knowledge in the field determined by the topic of the dissertation thesis and its publication. By the end of the third year of study, the doctoral candidate passes the state doctoral exam, by which he proves a broad overview and deep knowledge of the field related to the dissertation thesis topic. In the third and fourth grade of study, the doctorand candidate continues his / her research activities, publishes obtained results and elaborates his / her dissertation thesis. In the fourth year of study, doctoral candidates submit the unfinished dissertation thesis to their supervisor by the end of the winter examination period. The finished dissertation thesis shall be submitted by the end of the 4th grade of study. One part of the dissertation thesis are results published in international impacted magazines, with at least one publication of which the doctoral candidate is the first author.
For Spain students, the binding conditions are given by the UHU rules, they do not contain partial exams, neither the state doctoral exam. It is necessary to elaborate a dissertation thesis, publish results and submit the thesis supplemented by publications for defense. The graduate acquires the Dr. degree. Czech students at the UHU are offered practical courses that are alternative to the practical courses at the FCH.
Within the double degree program, it is possible to gain a degree at both universities in the case that the student meets the binding conditions given by the regulations of corresponding university and perform a part of the study at a partner university. Regarding to the fact that at the UHU no partial exams are required, the student can choose from several practical courses as an alternative to the Czech courses.

Availability for the disabled

The condition for to study is a certificate of health fitness to study. The study is connected with work in chemical and technological laboratories and operations, where students have access to wide range of chemical substances, they work with it and are in a direct contact with them. Within the laboratory practice, not only the health of the student can be endangered, but the student can also endanger the health of other people. Therefore, in addition to general health fitness, the illnesses and diseases states, which can be in contradiction to work with chemical substances, or cause certain limitations for this work, are taken into account during the assessment of health fitness to study. For more information about illnesses and diseases, see the electronic application or the website for an applicant at

What degree programme types may have preceded

Program in general continues master study programs in chemistry, biochemistry, biotechnology, eventually biology or medicine. Regarding programs realized at the Faculty of Chemistry, the program continues master study programs of Chemistry for Medical Application, Consumer Chemistry and Food Science and Biotechnology.

Issued topics of Doctoral Study Program

  1. Preparation and study of vesicular complexes with polymers

    This work is focused on the preparation and study of vesicular systems that, by their structure, surface charge and other properties, will be suitable for interaction with charged or uncharged polymers and together will form a water-soluble biocompatible complex that will be stable under physiological conditions. The study envisages the use of stationary, time-resolved and microscopic fluorescence techniques together with other available techniques such as dynamic light scattering, atomic force microscopy, chromatographic methods, etc. As part of the study, in-depth knowledge of fluorescence techniques and procedures for the preparation of colloidal complexes will be acquired.

    Tutor: Mravec Filip, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

Course structure diagram with ECTS credits

1. year of study, both semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
DA_BFCHBiophysical Chemistryen0CompulsoryColyes
DA_BCHAdvanced Biochemistryen0Compulsory-optionalColyes
DA_KPDAdvanced Colloids Chemistryen0Compulsory-optionalColyes
DA_PFTAdvanced Fluorescence Techniquesen0Compulsory-optionalColyes
DA_ICHPAdvanced Immunochemistry en0Compulsory-optionalColyes
DA_PTTAdvanced Techniques of Thermal Analysisen0Compulsory-optionalColyes
DA_BCHBMBiophysics and Biochemistry of Microorganismsen0Compulsory-optionalColyes
DA_MTMaterial technology for Bioapplicationsen0Compulsory-optionalyes
DA_F3DPhotochemistry and 3D Printen0Compulsory-optionalColyes
DA_SMBSpecial Molecular Biotechnologyen0Compulsory-optionalColyes
DA_STISpecial Techniques of Instrumental Analysisen0Compulsory-optionalColyes