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How to send a record from IS BUT to ORCID

Thanks to the integration of the ORCID service into the BUT Information System, it is very easy to upload a record of a reported result (article in a professional journal, paper in conference proceedings, etc.) to ORCID and thus enrich your portfolio on the ORCID profile. For proper functionality, it is necessary to have your ORCID number linked to the BUT IS (how to do it?).

In IS Apollo, just open the result where you are the author (Research & Development -> R&D results). Now you can find the button Přenést záznam o výsledku do ORCID.

If you click on the button, a pop-up dialog opens where you confirm that you really want to transfer the record to ORCID.

The record is immediately uploaded to the ORCID profile.

If any data changes in the BUT IS, you can update the record. Just click on the Aktualizovat záznam v ORCID.

Bulk upload multiple records

If you want to submit multiple records to ORCID at once, you can do so from the Results List screen, where you select the records (you can click on individual rows while holding down the CTRL key). Then just click on Nahrát do ORCID in the right sidebar.

You can then see the progress of the recording and the success rate in the open window.

If you're not sure if you've uploaded some records in the past, that's fine. Resubmitting a record will not cause it to be duplicated, it may just update it if some of the information in Apollo IS has changed.

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