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Crossref Similarity check - Plagiarism check

BUT is a member of the Crossref agency, through which DOI numbers are assigned to articles from journals published at BUT or contributions from conferences organized at BUT.

Thanks to this membership, BUT can also use the Similarity Check document checking service, which can reveal compliance with other professional texts (plagiarism check). The service uses iThenticate software. Its main advantage is a huge database of texts with which it can compare the submitted document.

The service is provided to BUT employees for checking manuscripts before sending them for review. The service is currently in test mode.

You can send a request to check the document via the form at https://www.vutbr.cz/en/intra/podpora/pozadavek?oblast=032&sekce=1723

Please indicate the title of the manuscript in the application and attach the full text of the document. The system accepts Word, Text, PostScript, PDF, HTML, Excel, PowerPoint, Word Perfect WPD, OpenOffice ODT, RTF, Hangul HWP.

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