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Suitable publishing

If you want to bring points to the university, you have to publish only in certain journals or conference proceedings.

The conference proceedings must be registered in the database Conference Proceedings Citation Index – Science or Social Science & Humanities (formerly ISI Proceedings https://www.vutbr.cz/en/libraries/eir/databases/wok) of the Thomson Reuters (New York, USA) Company, or in the SCOPUS database (https://www.vutbr.cz/en/libraries/eir/databases/scopus).

Journal articles have to be published in specialist periodical with internal classification:

  • Jimp – article in a periodical registered in the Web of Science (hereinafter only „WoS“),
  • JSC - article in a source registered in SCOPUS, which is not registered in WoS,
  • Jneimp – article in a reviewed periodical in the ERIH database, which is not registered in WoS or SCOPUS,
  • Jrec – article in a reviewed Czech periodical, which is not registered in WoS, SCOPUS or ERIH.

The criteria also vary from faculty to faculty. For example for the Physical Sciences and Chemical Science it is suitable to publish just journal articles in a periodical registered in the Web of Science.

You will find more detailed information in the Methodology: http://www.vyzkum.cz/FrontClanek.aspx?idsekce=695512

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