Detail předmětu
Services of Communication Systems
FEKT-MPA-SKSAk. rok: 2025/2026
The subject is devoted to services provided by modern telecommunication systems. Students will gain the necessary knowledge from technologies that are still used, although not as a priority, i.e. with ISDN services and the Asynchronous Transport Method ATM. However, the emphasis is on modern technologies such as xDSL (ADSL, SDSL, HDSL, VDSL) and the SS7 signalling system associated with modern transmission, the TMN Telecommunications Management Network, and the Quality of Service QoS. Furthermore, the content includes the Internet protocol version 6, the continuation of IPv4, and the OSI reference model versus the TCP/IP network architecture. Other parts are devoted to Passive Optical Networks - PON, the use of integer programming in contemporary networks, and WDM wave multiplexing.
Jazyk výuky
Počet kreditů
Garant předmětu
Zajišťuje ústav
Vstupní znalosti
A student who enrols in the course should be able to:
- explain the basic concepts of converged communication networks,
- define the properties of Ethernet-type networks,
- name the regularities of IPv4 and IPv6,
- express the properties of multimedia services,
In general, bachelor's level knowledge is required. Work in the laboratory is subject to a valid qualification of "knowledgeable person for independent work", which students must obtain before starting classes. Information on this qualification can be found in the Dean's Directive Acquainting Students with Safety Regulations.
Pravidla hodnocení a ukončení předmětu
0-15 points for lab activity.
0-15 points for developing a PowerPoint study on a selected topic from PON,
0-70 points for a written exam supported by e-learning, a mandatory part for passing the course, optional oral exam with written preparation.
The exam is aimed at verifying orientation in the issue of communication network services with a focus on service quality and issues of passive optical PON networks.
Laboratory teaching is compulsory, duly excused missed laboratory exercises can be replaced after agreement with the teacher.
Učební cíle
The course aims to provide students with an extended orientation in the services of communication systems with a focus on the Quality of Service QoS and to focus on the development of Passive Optical Networks PON.
A graduate of the course can:
- analyse the services provided by contemporary communication networks,
- theoretically analyse technologies related to xDSL services,
- justify the current state of ISDN usage,
- compare ATM and other high-speed transfer options,
- propose signalling using SS7,
- categorize the quality of QoS services,
- describe the possibilities of the TMN Telecommunications Management Network,
- analyse the topology of Passive Optical Networks PON and the method of communication in them,
- assess the activation process of the end unit in the GPON (GigabitPON) network,
- use integer programming in current networks,
- analyse IP transmission of Wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) networks,
- compare IPv6 following IPv4 and the OSI reference model versus the TCP/IP network architecture.
Základní literatura
Doporučená literatura
Zařazení předmětu ve studijních plánech
Typ (způsob) výuky
Vyučující / Lektor
Laboratorní cvičení
Vyučující / Lektor