Detail předmětu
TIT Seminar
FEKT-MPA-STTAk. rok: 2025/2026
The subject mainly includes topics from the areas of smart technologies, the Internet of Things, IoT and Industry 4.0 in general, modern cryptography, 4G/5G mobile networks, green communications, LoRa technology, e-commerce and e-governance, localization techniques, software-defined SDN networks, critical infrastructure , modern optical transmissions and other attractive areas.
Jazyk výuky
Počet kreditů
Garant předmětu
Zajišťuje ústav
Vstupní znalosti
Students must have basic knowledge of telecommunications and information technology at master's level.
Pravidla hodnocení a ukončení předmětu
The MPC-STT / MKC-STT/MPA-STT courses ends with credit. In order to receive credit, the student must meet the following criteria:
• Participation in all 5 lectures.
o At the end of each lecture, the lecturer will discuss a certain question or sub-issue (the lecturer will also present the correct answer). The final test in e-Learning will be compiled from these questions.
• Taking the final test and achieving 100% correct answers.
o The online test will consist of 5 questions presented at the lectures (see above).
o For each question there will be a choice of 4 answers (A, B, C, D), of which exactly one answer will be correct.
o To successfully pass the test, you must answer all five questions correctly and thus receive a full five points.
o You can take the test at any time from 1.5. 8:00 a.m. to 8.5. 11:59 p.m. and there is no need to register for it anywhere. If you do not answer all 5 questions correctly, you can repeat the test. However, repetition is only possible after 12 hours. You therefore have approximately 14 dates available.
Učební cíle
The aim of the course is to give students an overview of current topics in the field of communication and information technology. In the seminar, trends and outlooks for the future in the field of study will be presented by both BUT staff and experts from practice. The seminar is included in the last year of the master's degree and will appropriately supplement the knowledge from previous years with a vision for the future.
A graduate of the course is able to:
- practice knowledge of modern trends in communication and information systems
- estimate the future of advanced communication and information systems
- analyze existing and emerging problems
- assess the current state of the field in practice
- plan the smart technologies of the future
- justify the influence of technology on life
Základní literatura
Zařazení předmětu ve studijních plánech
Typ (způsob) výuky
Vyučující / Lektor