

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Applicant to Study

I am interested in studying at BUT; where can I find a list of study programs?

You can find all study programs on the BUT Study Programs - BUT website and in the e-application. The first round of applications has already been completed, so not all study programs offered by our university are open in the e-application. Some faculties still accept Ukrainian refugees into study programs where applications have already been closed. If you are interested in studying a study program not currently in the e-application, contact a specific faculty that will provide you with more information about current opportunities.

I am interested in a short-term study course, where can I find information?

Contact the faculty coordinator of foreign relations at the faculty of your choice. You can find a list of contacts here.

Will there be a new application deadline for Ukrainians?

Some faculties have announced new deadlines for applicants who have been granted temporary protection in the Czech Republic due to the war in Ukraine. Further information will be provided by the study department of the specific BUT faculty. Follow the information on the websites of individual faculties.

Is it possible to waive the admission fee?

Yes. Applicants for studies at BUT who have been granted temporary protection in the Czech Republic in connection with the armed conflict in Ukraine have been exempted from the application fee and the assessment fee for previous foreign education since 28 March 2022. Fees paid so far will not be refunded.

Should I apply to study in Czech, even if I don't speak Czech yet?

Yes, you can, but you have to reckon that the admission procedure takes place in the Czech language.

What Czech language courses does BUT offer? Is it possible to learn Czech at BUT now?

If you are interested in a Czech language course in Brno you can register on the Euraxess website. The Centre for Foreigners of the South Moravian Region offers Czech language courses where you can learn not only about the language itself, but also about Czech traditions, culture, history and the Czech environment.

It is possible to use the external offer of Czech language courses for foreigners:

If you have any questions about Czech language courses at BUT, write to the email:

Is it possible to learn Czech by the beginning of the new academic year?

Yes. In the case of an intensive Czech language course and maximum commitment to self-study, we believe that the basic level can be reached by the beginning of the new academic year. However, it would help if you continued to study this language because it will not be easy.

Will BUT provide extraordinary financial support to students from Ukraine?

We try to give you support. It depends on the provision of funding by the state; however, nothing can be guaranteed.

The student did not manage to finish the last year of high school in Ukraine. Is there a possibility that he would still start at BUT in the coming academic year? If so, what needs to be documented?

According to reports we have from the Ministry of Education of the Czech Republic and the Ministry of Education of Ukraine, students in the final year of secondary schools will have "officially" completed secondary education on the basis of a special law of Ukraine. These graduates should have a certificate of completed secondary education - "Atestat" - in the summer months at the latest. On the basis of this document, they can be accepted to study at Czech universities.

Can the courses I studied at my Ukrainian university be recognized?

Each student can apply for recognition of the subjects of their study program based on the subjects completed at another university. The student applies for recognition of subjects at the faculty where he/she is studying; more detailed information is provided by the study department of the specific faculty. The content conformity of these subjects is important.

Can I continue my studies (e.g., 2nd year), or do I have to start studying from the beginning?

It all depends on the specific situation. Suppose it will be possible for a student to recognize lower-grade subjects based on subjects completed in the previous study. In that case, he/she may be placed in a higher grade, with some missing subjects being supplemented.

In the case of studying in English, is there a possibility of waiving the fee?

It's up to each faculty to decide. Contact the study department of your chosen faculty with a question.

Is it possible to work at BUT?

Definitely yes, but rather part-time, because studying is time-consuming. You can find job offers on various job portals, such as

I am a professional athlete. Is it possible to implement at BUT in this direction?

Of course. You can find information about university sports at the website of Centre of Sports Activities.

Students of BUT

Can I get a scholarship in a difficult situation if necessary?

Any student can apply for a scholarship and it is up to the dean of the faculty to decide whether to comply. Contact the study department at your faculty.

I need to accommodate my family member in the dormitory; whom can I contact?

Write to the email, and we will try to find out what the possibilities are.

To deal with the family situation associated with the war, I would need to interrupt my studies. How should I proceed in such a case?

Contact the study department of your faculty. However, you do not have to interrupt your studies immediately; we recommend that you consult whether the dean of the faculty would approve your individual study plan. You can consult specific study options at your faculty's study department.

Can anyone at BUT provide me with psychological help?

Yes. If you need psychological help you can use the services from Psychological counseling at BUT that offers professional psychological services to our students.


Are there job opportunities at your university?

Yes. If you are interested in any job position at the Brno University of Technology you can visit our website with job vacancies. If you are interested in a research position in the Czech republic you can visit the website

Does BUT provide accommodation for its employees? Is there an accommodation charge?

Yes, accommodation at BUT is charged. In case there are free capacities BUT provides accommodation for its employees. If there is no free capacity, we will help you find housing. We also have a Welcome service which provides support for current and future foreign employees of BUT. Our Welcome service office is the first point of contact for future BUT employees, providing them with information about the employment and all that must be done before and after their arrival.

If you will hire me at BUT, will it be possible to take my family with me?

Yes. Our Welcome service provides assistance to families of our employees throughout their stay in the Czech Republic.


Can you accommodate my relatives/acquaintances?

If you are our student or employee, contact us via email, where we will provide you with information about available capacities within asylum accommodation.

Can you accommodate a group of people who only pass through Brno for one night?

We do not provide this option in the current situation.

If I am accepted to study, will I have secured accommodation in dormitories? If so, how much will I have to pay?

We try to ensure that you get accommodation. Once you have been successfully admitted to the study, you will receive all the information for booking accommodation. Accommodation prices range from 2970 CZK - 5070 CZK per month depending on the selected place of accommodation.

Will there be a special accommodation scholarship or the possibility of waiving payment for accommodation for Ukrainian students?

We do not provide this option in the current situation.

Odpovědnost: Ing. et Ing. Mariana Tesařová, M.Sc.