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Detail projektu
Období řešení: 01.03.2010 — 28.02.2013
Zdroje financování
Ministerstvo školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy ČR - Společné technologické iniciativy
- částečně financující (2010-03-01 - 2013-02-28)
O projektu
In Europe, manufacturing represents approximately 22% of GDP, and it is estimated that 75% of GDP and 70%of employment is related to manufacturing. The direct cost of maintenance is equivalent to 4% to 8% of the totalsales turnover. Depending on the industry, maintenance costs can represent between 15% (food-relatedindustries) and 60% (iron and steel, pulp and paper and other heavy industries) of production cost.However today’s factories plant states are isolated and cannot be fully understood since there is no infrastructurefor holistic and continuous measurement and visualization of relevant information. This lack of insight preventsefficient decision taking in real-time (e.g. recovery from undesired situations).The objective of the eSONIA project is to realize the asset-aware and self-recovery plant through:- pervasive heterogeneous (wirelines and wireless) IPv6-based embedded devices- bringing on-board specialized services- glued through a middleware capitalizing the service oriented approachAll that will be used for the first time in industry to support continuous monitoring/diagnostics/prognostics/controlof assets, regardless of their physical location.The delivered information will be elaborated and visualized in 3D-geolocation mode to infer:- efficient automatic maintenance schedules- improved operator dispatch and repair performance- efficient runtime planning of product/supplies routes (for continuous track & trace systems), automatictriggering of re-sequencing and line-balancing processes in response to unscheduled maintenanceactions or equipments’ failure.The expected outcomes of eSONIA are: greater predictability of plant behaviour and visibility, reduced safetyrisks, enhanced security and cost efficiency.
Popis českyIn Europe, manufacturing represents approximately 22% of GDP, and it is estimated that 75% of GDP and 70%of employment is related to manufacturing. The direct cost of maintenance is equivalent to 4% to 8% of the totalsales turnover. Depending on the industry, maintenance costs can represent between 15% (food-relatedindustries) and 60% (iron and steel, pulp and paper and other heavy industries) of production cost.However today’s factories plant states are isolated and cannot be fully understood since there is no infrastructurefor holistic and continuous measurement and visualization of relevant information. This lack of insight preventsefficient decision taking in real-time (e.g. recovery from undesired situations).The objective of the eSONIA project is to realize the asset-aware and self-recovery plant through:- pervasive heterogeneous (wirelines and wireless) IPv6-based embedded devices- bringing on-board specialized services- glued through a middleware capitalizing the service oriented approachAll that will be used for the first time in industry to support continuous monitoring/diagnostics/prognostics/controlof assets, regardless of their physical location.The delivered information will be elaborated and visualized in 3D-geolocation mode to infer:- efficient automatic maintenance schedules- improved operator dispatch and repair performance- efficient runtime planning of product/supplies routes (for continuous track & trace systems), automatictriggering of re-sequencing and line-balancing processes in response to unscheduled maintenanceactions or equipments’ failure.The expected outcomes of eSONIA are: greater predictability of plant behaviour and visibility, reduced safetyrisks, enhanced security and cost efficiency.
Klíčová slovaautomatic maintenance schedules, continuous track & trace systems, IPv6,Service Oriented Architecture, (Semantic) Web Services, 3D visualization,asset monitoring, asset management
Originální jazyk
Smrž Pavel, doc. RNDr., Ph.D. - hlavní řešitel
Fakulta informačních technologií- příjemce (01.03.2010 - 28.02.2013)
RYCHLÝ, M. Servisně orientovaná architektura a její aplikace v systémech sledování a řízení výroby. Sborník přednášek z 7. technické konference Automatizace, regulace a procesy. Praha: DimArt, 2011. s. 11-14. ISBN: 978-80-903844-6-0.Detail
POLOK, L.; SMRŽ, P. Fast Linear Algebra on GPU. IEEE conference proceedings. Liverpool: IEEE Computer Society, 2012. p. 1-6. ISBN: 978-0-7695-4749-7.Detail
POLOK, L.; SMRŽ, P. Implementing Random Indexing on GPU. Proceedings of the 19th High Performance Computing Symposium. HPC '11. Boston: SCS Publication House, 2011. p. 134-142. ISBN: 978-1-61782-840-9.Detail
RYCHLÝ, M.: Geoloc4D-REST; RESTful Interfaces to the Geolocation Service. http://www.fit.vutbr.cz/~rychly/geoloc4d-rest/. URL: http://www.fit.vutbr.cz/~rychly/geoloc4d-rest/. (software)Detail
RYCHLÝ, M.: Geoloc4D; Geolocation Service for DPWS. http://www.fit.vutbr.cz/~rychly/geoloc4d/. URL: http://www.fit.vutbr.cz/~rychly/geoloc4d/. (software)Detail