Detail projektu

Investigation of the noise of thick-film pressure sensors

Období řešení: 1.1.2011 — 31.12.2012

Zdroje financování

Ministerstvo školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy ČR - KONTAKT

O projektu

Industrial demand for high reliability of electronic devices stimulates research in the field of transport and noise phenomena in pressure sensors based on thick conducting films. We are concentrating our effort on the use of low frequency noise and nonlinearity as a diagnostic tool for the reliability improvement of thick film pressure sensors. Trends to increase the signal to noise ratio of thick film pressure sensors and to reduce manufacturing costs have increase the demand for smaller sensors sizes and shorter production time, as well as a wider technology window. Low frequency noise in pressure sensors appears as a result of carrier interaction with interfaces and defects. During the transport of charge carriers low frequency noise is generated on interfaces and the boundary between grains and other scattering centres. The possibility of the use of noise measurements in analysis, diagnostics and prediction of reliability of thick film resistors was studied during our previous cooperation (J. Sikula, J. Pavelka, D. Rocak, D. Belavic: Low Frequency Noise in Film Resistors (invited), VII. Van der Ziel Symposium on Quantum 1/f Noise and Other Low Frequency Fluctuations in Electronic Devices, AIP Woodbury NY p. 42 (1998) The aim of this research cooperation is concerned with identification of failure modes and mechanisms as the main sources of problems related to quality assessment and reliability prediction. It is generally supposed that reliability is determined by irreversible processes and that their time dependence is a main parameter for thick film pressure sensors lifetime prediction. Expected output is based on noise spectroscopy measurement and evaluation of their statistical distribution which allow us to the prediction of possible types of failures of thick film pressure sensors. To obtain a sufficient amount of data, large numbers of samples have to be evaluated in order to make a correlation between noise spectral density data and results of accelerating ageing.

Popis česky
Industrial demand for high reliability of electronic devices stimulates research in the field of transport and noise phenomena in pressure sensors based on thick conducting films. We are concentrating our effort on the use of low frequency noise and nonlinearity as a diagnostic tool for the reliability improvement of thick film pressure sensors. Trends to increase the signal to noise ratio of thick film pressure sensors and to reduce manufacturing costs have increase the demand for smaller sensors sizes and shorter production time, as well as a wider technology window. Low frequency noise in pressure sensors appears as a result of carrier interaction with interfaces and defects. During the transport of charge carriers low frequency noise is generated on interfaces and the boundary between grains and other scattering centres. The possibility of the use of noise measurements in analysis, diagnostics and prediction of reliability of thick film resistors was studied during our previous cooperation (J. Sikula, J. Pavelka, D. Rocak, D. Belavic: Low Frequency Noise in Film Resistors (invited), VII. Van der Ziel Symposium on Quantum 1/f Noise and Other Low Frequency Fluctuations in Electronic Devices, AIP Woodbury NY p. 42 (1998) The aim of this research cooperation is concerned with identification of failure modes and mechanisms as the main sources of problems related to quality assessment and reliability prediction. It is generally supposed that reliability is determined by irreversible processes and that their time dependence is a main parameter for thick film pressure sensors lifetime prediction. Expected output is based on noise spectroscopy measurement and evaluation of their statistical distribution which allow us to the prediction of possible types of failures of thick film pressure sensors. To obtain a sufficient amount of data, large numbers of samples have to be evaluated in order to make a correlation between noise spectral density data and results of accelerating ageing.

Klíčová slova
Low frequency noise, 1/f noise, Pressure sensor, Thick film

Klíčová slova česky
Nízkofrekvenční šum, šum typu 1/f, senzory tlaku, tlusté vrstvy



Originální jazyk




Ústav fyziky
- odpovědné pracoviště (1.1.2011 - nezadáno)
Ústav fyziky
- příjemce (1.1.2011 - nezadáno)


SANTO-ZARNIK, M.; BELAVIC, D.; SEDLÁKOVÁ, V.; ŠIKULA, J.; KOPECKÝ, M.; SEDLÁK, P.; MAJZNER, J. Comparison of the Intrinsic Characteristics of LTCC and Silicon Pressure Sensors by Means of 1/f Noise Measurements. Radioengineering, 2013, vol. 22, no. 1, p. 227-232. ISSN: 1210-2512.

SEDLÁK, P.; ŠIKULA, J.; VONDRA, M.; SEDLÁKOVÁ, V.; MAJZNER, J.; HOLCMAN, V. Fluctuation-enhanced gas sensing using polypyrrole-based QCM and its adsorption-desorption kinetics. In Proceedings MIDEM 2012. Ljubljana: MIDEM, 2012. p. 399-404. ISBN: 978-961-92933-2-4.


KOPECKÝ, M.; SEDLÁKOVÁ, V.; HOLCMAN, V.; PETTERSSON, H. Analysis of transport mechanisms for the Ta2O5 layers for low temperature range 80 K to 300 K. In MIDEM Society for Microelectronic, Electronic Components and Materials - Conference 2012 Proceedings. Slovinsko: MIDEM, 2012. p. 145-150. ISBN: 978-961-92933-2-4.

SEDLÁKOVÁ, V.; MAJZNER, J.; SEDLÁK, P.; HOLCMAN, V.; ŠIKULA, J.; SANTO-ZARNIK, M.; BELAVIC, D.; HROVAT, M. Influence of Functional Resistors on Offset Voltage Noise in Thick-Film Pressure Sensors. In MIDEM Society for Microelectronic, Electronic Components and Materials - Conference 2012 Proceedings. Slovinsko: MIDEM, 2012. p. 393-398. ISBN: 978-961-92933-2-4.

SEDLÁKOVÁ, V.; MAJZNER, J.; SEDLÁK, P.; KOPECKÝ, M.; ŠIKULA, J.; SANTO-ZARNIK, M.; BELAVIC, D.; HROVAT, M. Evaluation of piezoresistive ceramic pressure sensors using noise measurements. Informacije MIDEM, 2012, vol. 42, no. 2, p. 109-114. ISSN: 0352-9045.

VONDRA, M.; SEDLÁK, P.; SEDLÁKOVÁ, V.; MAJZNER, J.; ŠIKULA, J.; HOLCMAN, V. Equivalent circuit of polypyrrole-based QCM. In MIDEM Society for Microelectronic, Electronic Components and Materials - Conference 2012 Proceedings. Lubljana Slovenia: 2012. p. 405-409. ISBN: 978-961-92933-2-4.