Detail projektu


Období řešení: 01.09.2009 — 31.08.2012

Zdroje financování

Evropská unie - OP VK - Oblast podpory 2.3 - Lidské zdroje ve VaV

- plně financující

O projektu

Popis anglicky
Project INOINFRA responds to the situation in which Brno University of Technology (BUT) and the project partner the Masaryk University prepare to accept great financial support from EC funds to establish the Centre of Excellence. This brought us to the intention to prepare persons able to increase the flows of the finances from other than budget resources. It is possible to get some additional donation from a)fundamental research (Framework programmes, grants from GA CR, etc) b)contractual research andcommon research (industry, operational programmes, etc) To increase the amount of finances from a) grants, it is necessary to move better in ERA, to focus effort on achievement the status of Centre of excellence wherever possible, to follow the development in Europe and to improve the position of BUT (MU), to allocate the University research resources in more efficient way by the inhibition of some fields of research and the support of the more promising ones. For this purpose the first target group ofScience managers will be trained in Technology forecasting, in Scenarios building, in Fundamentals in marketing of scientific outputs, etc. To increase the finances from end-users of knowledge the second target group, Managers of industrial links will betrained in full scope of Knowledge management according to European curriculum (Proton Europe, AURIL, etc). They will learn some specific tools supporting innovation in the region (such clusters, technology incubators and science parks, role of VentureCapital etc.) There are some issues of common interest like IPR protection, different ways how to utilise the new knowledge, etc. - for both groups.

Klíčová slova anglicky
innovation infrastructure



Originální jazyk



Konečný Štěpán, Mgr., Ph.D. - hlavní řešitel


Ústav managementu
- příjemce (20.01.2017 - nezadáno)