Detail projektu

Laboratoř integrace procesů pro trvalou udržitelnost

Období řešení: 1.2.2017 — 30.4.2022

Zdroje financování

Evropská unie - OP VVV PO1 Podpora excelentních výzkumných týmů

O projektu

Obsahem projektu je vybudování Laboratoře integrace procesů pro trvalou udržitelnost s vysokým aplikačním a publikačním potenciálem na NETME Centre FSI VUT v Brně. Vznikne špičkový heterogenní mezinárodní tým vedený celosvětově úspěšným zahraničním vědeckým pracovníkem. Cílem projektu je dosáhnout unikátních a prakticky využitelných poznatků, které přispějí k řešení zvýšení účinnosti procesního a energetického průmyslu, zejména k minimalizaci tzv. skleníkové, dusíkové, energetické a vodní stopy.

Popis anglicky
The project aims to establish the Sustainable Process Integration Laboratory at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering (FME), Brno University of Technology (BUT). The Laboratory will have a high application and publication potential. The project will help to establish an excellent international research team, supervised by a successful foreign scientist. The project objective is to present unique, and simultaneously practical, knowledge which will promote increase in efficiency of process and power industries – in other words knowledge that will help to minimize the so called greenhouse, nitrogen, energy and water footprints.

Klíčová slova
Procesní a energetický průmysl; odpadové hospodářství; snižování skleníkových plynů; úspory energie; tepla a vody; snižování emisí; integrace procesů; komplexů a regionu; energetická udržitelnost; energetické využití odpadů

Klíčová slova anglicky
Process and power industry; waste management; reduction of greenhouse gasses; energy, heat and water saving; emissions reductions; process; total site and regional integration; energy sustainability; waste to energy



Originální jazyk




Centrum nových technologií ve strojírenství
- odpovědné pracoviště (16.8.2017 - nezadáno)
EÚ-odbor energetického inženýrství
- spolupříjemce (1.2.2017 - 30.4.2022)
Ústav procesního inženýrství
- spolupříjemce (1.2.2017 - 30.4.2022)
Laboratoř integrace procesů
- příjemce (1.2.2017 - 30.4.2022)


MTOGO, JW.; MUGO, GW.; VARBANOV, P.; SZANYI, A.; MIZSEY, P. Exploring Exergy Performance in Tetrahydrofuran/Water and Acetone/Chloroform Separations. Processes, 2024, vol. 12, no. 1, p. 14-14. ISSN: 2227-9717.

RADELYUK, I.; JIA, X.; YELUBAY, M.; ASSANOV, D. An analysis of barriers and perspectives for circular economy in industrial water use in Kazakhstan. Sustainable Water Resources Management, 2023, vol. 10, no. 79, ISSN: 2363-5045.

YANG, L.; AN, D.; CUI, Y.; JIA, X.; YANG, D.; LI, W.; WANG, Y.; WU, L. Carbon footprint of fresh sea cucumbers in China: Comparison of three aquaculture technologies. JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION, 2024, no. 469, ISSN: 1879-1786.

Alirahmi, SM (Alirahmi, Seyed Mojtaba); Gundersen, T (Gundersen, Truls); Arabkoohsar, A (Arabkoohsar, Ahmad); Klemes, JJ (Klemes, Jirf Jaromfr); Sin, G (Sin, Gurkan); Yu, HS (Yu, Haoshui). Process design, integration, and optimization of a novel compressed air energy storage for the coproduction of electricity, cooling, and water. RENEWABLE & SUSTAINABLE ENERGY REVIEWS, 2024, vol. 189, no. 189, p. 114034-114034. ISSN: 1364-0321.

Sun, XJ (Sun, Xiaojun) ; Lei, YL (Lei, Yalin) ; Wang, XC (Wang, Xue-Chao) ; Zhao, J (Zhao, Jun) ; Varbanov, PS (Varbanov, Petar Sabev). Directional nature of technological progress in the petrochemical industry prompting energy marginal substitution. Energy, 2024, vol. 310, no. 310, p. 133139-133139. ISSN: 0360-5442.

Gong, JH (Gong, Junhua); Shi, GY (Shi, Guoyun) ; Fan, ZY (Fan, Ziying); Yu, B (Yu, Bo); Chen, YJ (Chen, Yujje); Chen, B (Chen, Bin); Li, JF (Li, Jingfa); Wang, BH (Wang, Bohong) ; Li, ZZ (Li, Zongze) ; Jiang, WX (Jiang, Weixin) ; Varbanov, PS (Varbanov, Petar Sabev). A rapid method for composition tracking in hydrogen-blended pipeline using Fourier neural operator. PHYSICS OF FLUIDS, 2024, vol. 36, no. 11, p. 116126-116126. ISSN: 1070-6631.

Wang, F (Wang, Fei) ; Li, PF (Li, Panfeng) ; Gai, LM (Gai, Limei) ; Chen, YJ (Chen, Yujie) ; Zhu, BK (Zhu, Baikang) [1] ; Chen, XL (Chen, Xianlei) [4] ; Tao, HC (Tao, Hengcong) ; Varbanov, PS (Varbanov, Petar Sabev) ; Sher, F (Sher, Farooq) ; Wang, BH (Wang, Bohong). Enhancing the efficiency of power generation through the utilisation of LNG cold energy by a dual-fluid condensation rankine cycle system. Energy, 2024, vol. 305, no. 305, p. 132113-132113. ISSN: 0360-5442.

Kula, K (Kula, Karolina) ; Klemes, JJ (Klemes, Jiri Jaromir); Van Fan, Y (Van Fan, Yee) ; Varbanov, PS (Varbanov, Petar Sabev) ; Gaurav, GK (Gaurav, Gajendra Kumar) ; Jasinski, R (Jasinski, Radomir). Environmental footprints and implications of converting GHG species to value-added chemicals: a review. REVIEWS IN CHEMICAL ENGINEERING, 2024, vol. 40, no. 4, p. 457-480. ISSN: 0167-8299.

Jiang, WX (Jiang, Weixin); Wang, JF (Wang, Junfang) ; Varbanov, PS (Varbanov, Petar Sabev); Yuan, Q (Yuan, Qing); Chen, YJ (Chen, Yujie) ; Wang, BH (Wang, Bohong) ; Yu, B (Yu, Bo). Hybrid data-mechanism-driven model of the unsteady soil temperature field for long-buried crude oil pipelines with non-isothermal batch transportation. Energy, 2024, vol. 292, no. 130354, p. 130354-130354. ISSN: 0360-5442.

Saeed Talei, Daniel Fozer, Petar Sabev Varbanov, Agnes Szanyi*, Peter Mizsey. Oxyfuel Combustion Makes Carbon Capture More Efficient. ACS OMEGA, 2024, vol. 9, no. 3, p. 3250-3261. ISSN: 2470-1343.

Sun M., Jia X., Yang D., Liu B., Han F., Shi F. Life cycle environmental impact assessment of green tea production in China. JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION, 2024, vol. 434, no. 1, ISSN: 1879-1786.

Wang, J.; Yang, X.; Klemeš, J.J.; Tian, K.; Ma, T.; Sunden, B. A review on nanofluid stability: preparation and application. RENEWABLE & SUSTAINABLE ENERGY REVIEWS, 2023, no. 188, ISSN: 1364-0321.

Kiannejad Amiri, M.; Ghorbanzade Zaferani, S.P.; Samasti Emami, M.R.; Zahmatkesh, S.; Pourhanasa, R.; Sadeghi Namaghi, S.; Klemeš, J.J.; Bokhari, A.; Hajiaghaei-Keshteli, M. Multi-objective optimization of thermophysical properties GO powders-DW/EG Nf by RSM, NSGA-II, ANN, MLP and ML. Energy, 2023, no. 280, ISSN: 0360-5442.

Gark, S.; Singh, S.; Shehata, N.; Sharma, H.; Samuel, J.; Khan, N.A.; Ramamurthy, P.C.; Singh, J.; Mubashir, M.; Bokhari, A.; Ooi, D.J.; Show, P.L. Aerogels in wastewater treatment: A review. JOURNAL OF THE TAIWAN INSTITUTE OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERS, 2023, no. 1, ISSN: 1876-1070.

Potrč, S.; Nemet, A.; Čuček, L.; Varbanov, P.S.; Kravanja, Z. Optimization of large-scale energy systems to achieve carbon emissions neutrality. Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, 2023, no. 52, p. 3423-3428. ISSN: 1570-7946.

Hoy, Z,X.; Woon, K.S.; Chin, W.C.; Van, Y.V.; Yoo, S.J. Curbing global solid waste emissions toward net-zero warming futures. SCIENCE, 2023, vol. 6672, no. 382, p. 797-800. ISSN: 0036-8075.

KLEMEŠ, J.; VARBANOV, P.; ALWI, S.R.W.; MANAN, Z.A.; FAN, Y.V. ; CHIN, H.H. Sustainable process integration and intensification: Saving energy, water and resources. Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston: Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston, 2023. 379 p. ISBN: 9783110782981.

Termizi, S.N.A.A.; Alwi, S.R.W.; Manan, Z.A.; Varbanov, P.S. Agent-Based Modelling Analysis on the Potential Economic Benefits of Mud Cake Waste to Wealth. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 2023, no. 103, p. 655-660. ISSN: 2283-9216.

Jamaluddin, K.; Alwi, S.R.W.; Manan, Z.A.; Hamzah, K.; Klemeš, J.J. Optimal Sizing of a Trigeneration Plant Integrated with Total Site System Considering Multi-period and Energy Losses. In 2021 International Conference on Process Engineering and Advanced Materials. E3S Web of Conferences. 2021. ISSN: 2555-0403.

Radelyuk, I.; Klemeš, J.J.; Jia, X.; Yelubay, M. Implementation of Circular Economy in the Water Sector in the Industrial Region of Kazakhstan. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 2023, no. 103, p. 13-18. ISSN: 2283-9216.
