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Detail projektu
Období řešení: 01.01.2019 — 31.12.2022
Zdroje financování
Ministerstvo školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy ČR - INTER-EXCELLENCE - Podprogram INTER-ACTION
- plně financující (2019-01-13 - 2022-12-31)
O projektu
Předkládaný projekt si klade za cíl ve spolupráci s Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA výrazně posunout úroveň vědeckého poznání v oblasti designu, vlastností a funkce pokročilého solného jaderného reaktoru řízeného urychlovačem. Jedná se o reaktorový systém s vysokým stupněm inherentní a pasivní bezpečnosti, minimálním množstvím generovaných dlouze žijících vysoce radioaktivních odpadů a možností transmutovat vyhořelé palivo z konvenční jaderné energetiky, thorium, ochuzený uran či spalovat plutonium z jaderných zbraní. Cílem projektu je v rámci širokého komplexního českého týmu popsat a vyplňovat bílá místa v oblasti poznání tohoto systému v problematice základního designu, funkce, neutronického, termohydraulického i multifyzikálního výpočtu. Obecně chybí zkušenosti a znalosti v oblasti fyziky reaktorových systémů s tekutými solemi, v oblasti fyziky urychlovačem řízených reaktorových systémů; v oblasti jaderných dat pro vysoké energie neutronů; v oblasti metod detekce neutronů a gama a zpracování signálů z měření neutronových energetických spekter v oblasti nad 20 MeV; v oblasti korozní stálosti a odolnosti materiálů v prostředí směsí chloridových, fluoridových či uhličitanových solí. Projektový tým je na české straně složen ze zástupců pěti pracovišť ze čtyř českých vysokých škol a jednoho pracoviště ústavu akademie věd české republiky; na americké straně se na řešení podílí tým pod koordinací vyčleněného univerzitního pracoviště Nuclear Power Institute. Významným cílem projektu je prohloubení vědecké spolupráce s americkým partnerem i v rámci českého týmu a vytvoření funkčního mezinárodního týmu akademických a vědeckých pracovníků, postdoků, doktorandů a studentů magisterských i bakalářských programů. V týmu jsou zastoupeni zejména začínající mladí vědci, pro které může být projekt motivujícím odrazovým můstkem jejich kariéry, jelikož budou pracovat pod koordinací několika zkušených odborníků s mezinárodními zkušenostmi. Efektivní spolupráce s americkým partnerem bude rozvíjena prostřednictvím stáží členů týmu v USA, stáží členů amerického týmu v ČR, účastí výzkumníků na unikátních experimentálních měřeních na pracovišti amerického partnera a také organizací pravidelných workshopů projektu.
Popis anglickyMain research goal: To evaluate general design of accelerator driven nuclear reactor with molten chloride salt fuel and coolant Secondary research goal: To identify „white spots“ on the MS-ADS research map and initiate research in these areas Main outrech goal: To hold on the cooperation of TAMU and BTU/CTU in pure nuclear engineering and to extend it to other groups (UCT, UD, UJF CAS) and scientific disciplines in the Czech Republic as well as in the Texas state Secondary outreach goal: To support multidisciplinary team of young researchers and students, support participation of women in the team, both from CZ and US, bring them together, and let them do their own research, hold their responsibility, present their results internationally, and start their career and find their contacts for the future.
Klíčová slovaADS; MSR; TAMU; ADAM; urychlovačem řízené systémy; reaktory s tekutými solemi; eutektika chloridových solí; podkritický reaktor; spalační neutronový zdroj; detekce neutronů vysokých energií; dekonvoluce neutronového spektra; zelená jaderná energetika
Klíčová slova anglickyADS, MSR, TAMU, ADAR, Accelerator Driven System, Molten Salt Reactor, Chloride Salts Eutectic, Subcritical Reactor, Spallation Neutron Source, High-Energy Neutron Detection, Neutron Spectra Unfolding, Green Nuclear Power Technology
Originální jazyk
Katovský Karel, prof. Ing., Ph.D. - hlavní řešitelAdam Jindřich, CSc. - spoluřešitelŠťastný Ondřej, Ing. - spoluřešitelŠtevanka Kamil, Ing. - spoluřešitelVarmuža Jan, Ing. - spoluřešitel
Ústav elektroenergetiky- příjemce (01.01.2019 - 31.12.2022)
KUMAR, V.; KATOVSKÝ, K. Spent Nuclear Fuel and Accelerator-Driven Subcritical Systems. Green Energy and Technology. Green Energy and Technology. Singapur: Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd., 2019. 144 p. ISBN: 978-981-10-7502-5. ISSN: 1865-3529.Detail
HINGU, A.; MUKHERJEE, S.; PARASHARI, S.; SANGEETA, A.; GANDHI, A.; UPADHYAY, M.; CHOUDHARY, M.; BAMAL, S.; SINGH, N.; MISHRA, G.; DE, S.; SOOD, S.; PRASAD, S.; SAXENA, G.; KUMAR, A.; R.G., T.; AGRAWAL, B.; KATOVSKÝ, K.; KUMAR, A. Investigation of 58Ni(n,p)58Co reaction cross-section with covariance analysis. Chinese Physics C, 2023, vol. 48, no. 2, p. 024001-024014. ISSN: 2058-6132.Detail
KHUSHVAKTOV, J.; KATOVSKÝ, K.; TYUTYUNNIKOV, S.; FURMAN, W.; ADAM, J.; A.A., BALDIN; BRUNČIAKOVÁ, M.; KRÁL, D.; SOLNYSHKIN, A.; SVOBODA, J.; VRZALOVÁ, J.; VESPALEC, R.; ZÁVORKA, L.; ZEMAN, M.; WAGNER, V. et al. Study of the residual nuclei generation in a massive lead target irradiated with 660 MeV protons. NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION A-ACCELERATORS SPECTROMETERS DETECTORS AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT, 2020, vol. 959, no. 903, p. 1-8. ISSN: 0168-9002.Detail
SONI, B.; PARASHARI, S.; MUKHERJEE, S.; MAKWANA, R.; SURYANARAYANA, S.; NAYAK, B.; NAIK, H.; VARMUŽA, J.; KATOVSKÝ, K. Measurement of (n, xn) reaction cross sections on In-113, In-115 isotopes using quasi-monoenergetic neutrons within 10-20 MeV. European Physical Journal Plus, 2020, vol. 135, no. 3, p. 300-320. ISSN: 2190-5444.Detail
ŠŤASTNÝ, O.; ŠTEVANKA, K.; KATOVSKÝ, K. Malé modulární reaktory: nutnost harmonizace licenčních procesů. Elektrorevue - Internetový časopis (http://www.elektrorevue.cz), 2020, roč. 22, č. 1, s. 21-27. ISSN: 1213-1539.Detail
ŠTEVANKA, K.; ŠŤASTNÝ, O.; KATOVSKÝ, K. Návrhy zjednodušení licenčního procesu SMR založené na odstupňovaném přístupu. Elektrorevue - Internetový časopis (http://www.elektrorevue.cz), 2020, roč. 22, č. 2, s. 43-50. ISSN: 1213-1539.Detail
SVOBODA, J.; ADAM, J.; FORAL, Š.; GUSTOV, S.; KATOVSKÝ, K.; KUSHVATOV, J.; KRÁL, D.; SOLNYSHKIN, A.; TICHÝ, P.; TYUTYUNNIKOV, S.; ZEMAN, M. Generated heat by different targets irradiated by 660 MeV protons. INDIAN JOURNAL OF PURE & APPLIED PHYSICS, 2020, vol. 58, no. 4, p. 246-254. ISSN: 0975-1041.Detail
MEHTA, M.; SINGH, N.; MAKWANA, R.; SUBHASH, P.; SURYANARAYANA, S.; PARASHARI, S.; CHAUHAN, R.; SINGH, R.; NAIK, H.; MUKHERJEE, S.; SONI, B.; KHIRWADKAR, S.; VARMUŽA, J.; KATOVSKÝ, K. Measurement of (n,γ) reaction cross section of W-186-isotope at neutron energy of 20.02±0.58 MeV. INDIAN JOURNAL OF PURE & APPLIED PHYSICS, 2020, vol. 58, no. 5, p. 392-396. ISSN: 0975-1041.Detail
SONI, B.; PARASHARI, S.; MUKHERJEE, S.; MAKWANA, R.; MEHTA, M.; CHAUHAN, R.; SURYANARAYANA, S.; PASHA, I.; DANU, L.; NAIK, H.; NAYAK, B.; VARMUŽA, J.; KATOVSKÝ, K. Measurements of 181Ta(n,2n)180Ta reaction cross-section at the neutron energy of 14.78 MeV. INDIAN JOURNAL OF PURE & APPLIED PHYSICS, 2020, vol. 58, no. 4, p. 228-233. ISSN: 0975-1041.Detail
PETROSYAN, T.; MELYAN, E.; KATOVSKÝ, K. Assessment of Various Candidate Salts Properties for Molten Salt Reactor Application by MCNP Software. In Proccedings of the 2020 21th International Scientific Conference on Electric Power Engineering (EPE). 1. 2020. p. 293-298. ISBN: 978-1-7281-9479-0.Detail
MARTISHICHKIN, V.; HAYSAK, I.; OKYNEV, O.; FRADKIN, O.; KATOVSKÝ, K.; HOLOMB, R.; TANCHAK, A. Generation of neutrons on Microtron M-10. In Proccedings of the 2020 21th International Scientific Conference on Electric Power Engineering (EPE). 1. IEEE, 2020. p. 527-533. ISBN: 978-1-7281-9479-0.Detail
HAYSAK, I.; TAKHTASIEV, O.; KHUSHVAKTOV, J.; SOLNYSHKIN, A.; TANCHAK, A.; HOLOMB, R.; KATOVSKÝ, K. Monte Carlo simulation of bremsstrahlung spectra for low energy electron accelerators. In Proccedings of the 2020 21th International Scientific Conference on Electric Power Engineering (EPE). 1. IEEE, 2020. p. 120-124. ISBN: 978-1-7281-9479-0.Detail
SUK, L.; PETROSYAN, T.; ŠTEVANKA, K.; KATOVSKÝ, K. Validation of Results of Brno CHF Experimental Loop in Annular Channel. In Proccedings of the 2020 21th International Scientific Conference on Electric Power Engineering (EPE). 1. 2020. p. 293-298. ISBN: 978-1-7281-9479-0.Detail
ŠTEVANKA, K.; KRÁL, D.; ŠŤASTNÝ, O.; HOLOMB, R.; KATOVSKÝ, K.; SOUSA MARTINS, H. Comparison of Neutron Flux Density in Carbon Prism filled with NaCl and Air. In Proccedings of the 2020 21th International Scientific Conference on Electric Power Engineering (EPE). New York: IEEE, 2020. p. 372-376. ISBN: 978-1-7281-9479-0.Detail
HOLOMB, R.; KATOVSKÝ, K.; HAYSAK, I.; ADAM, J.; VESPALEC, R.; VRZALOVÁ, J.; ZEMAN, M.; BRUDANIN, V.; ZÁVORKA, L.; KARABANOV, D.; SOLNYSHKIN, A.; KHUSHVAKTOV, J.; TSOUPKO-SITNIKOV, V.; PHILOSOPHERS, D. Experimental and simulated data at fragment productions in 100 MeV proton-induced reaction on 232Th. In Proccedings of the 2020 21th International Scientific Conference on Electric Power Engineering (EPE). New York: IEEE, 2020. p. 339-343. ISBN: 978-1-7281-9479-0.Detail
KRÁL, D.; ZEMAN, M.; ADAM, J.; KATOVSKÝ, K.; SVOBODA, J.; ŠŤASTNÝ, O.; VRZALOVÁ, J.; TICHÝ, P.; KHUSHVAKTOV, J.; SOLNYSHKIN, A. Measurement of activation products in chloride salts irradiated by spallation neutrons. In Proccedings of the 2020 21th International Scientific Conference on Electric Power Engineering (EPE). New York: IEEE, 2020. p. 356-361. ISBN: 978-1-7281-9479-0.Detail
ŠŤASTNÝ, O.; KRÁL, D.; ŠTEVANKA, K.; KATOVSKÝ, K.; KRÁSA, A. Monte Carlo Calculations of Fast Neutron Transport in Chloride Salts. In Proccedings of the 2020 21th International Scientific Conference on Electric Power Engineering (EPE). 1. New York: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2020. p. 344-349. ISBN: 978-1-7281-9479-0.Detail
TICHÝ, P.; ADAM, J.; GUSTOV, S.; KUSHVATOV, J.; SOLNYSHKIN, A.; SVOBODA, J.; TYUTYUNNIKOV, S.; ZEMAN, M. Monitoring mixed neutron-proton field near the primary proton and deuteron beams in spallation targets. INDIAN JOURNAL OF PURE & APPLIED PHYSICS, 2020, vol. 58, no. 4, p. 282-293. ISSN: 0975-1041.Detail
SUK, L.; PETROSYAN, T.; ŠTEVANKA, K.; VLČEK, D.; GEJDOŠ, P. Experimental Investigation of Critical Heat Flux on Different Surfaces at Low Pressure and Low Flow. ENERGIES, 2020, vol. 13, no. 19, p. 1-23. ISSN: 1996-1073.Detail
KATOVSKÝ, K.; KUMAR, V. A Comprehensive Review of Developments of Accelerator Driven Subcritical Systems and Future Requirements. In Proccedings of the 2020 21th International Scientific Conference on Electric Power Engineering (EPE). 1. Praha, Česká republika: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2020. p. 1-6. ISBN: 978-1-7281-9479-0.Detail
ZEMAN, M.; ADAM, J.; BALDIN, A.; BRUNČIAKOVÁ, M.; GUSTOV, S.; KATOVSKÝ, K.; KHUSHVAKTOV, J.; KRÁL, D.; SOLNYSHKIN, A.; SVOBODA, J.; ŠŤASTNÝ, O.; TICHÝ, P.; TYUTYUNNIKOV, S.; VRZALOVÁ, J.; WAGNER, V.; ZÁVORKA, L. Distribution of neutrons and protons in elongated targets. ND 2019: International Conference on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology. EPJ Web of Conferences. Francie: EDP Sciences, 2020. p. 1-4. ISBN: 978-2-7598-9106-1. ISSN: 2100-014X.Detail
ŠŤASTNÝ, O.; KATOVSKÝ, K.; KRÁL, D.; KRÁSA, A.; KURWITZ, C.; ŠTEVANKA, K. Analysis of fast neutron transport in chloride salts using Monte Carlo method. In ŠIMÁNĚ 2020: Student Conference on Nuclear Engineering. Acta Polytechnica CTU Proceedings. 28. Praha: Czech Technical University in Prague, 2020. p. 42-49. ISBN: 978-80-01-06794-9. ISSN: 2336-5382.Detail
SUK, L.; ŠTEVANKA, K.; PETROSYAN, T.; VLČEK, D. Investigation of critical heat flux on abraded inconel 625 tube. In ŠIMÁNĚ 2020: Student Conference on Nuclear Engineering. Acta Polytechnica CTU Proceedings. 28. Praha: Czech Technical University in Prague, 2020. p. 15-22. ISBN: 978-80-01-06794-9. ISSN: 2336-5382.Detail
SUK, L.; ŠTEVANKA, K.; PETROSYAN, T.; VLČEK, D. EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION OF CRITICAL HEAT FLUX IN ANNULUS AT LOW PRESSURE AND LOW FLOW PARAMETERS. In ŠIMÁNĚ 2020: Student Conference on Nuclear Engineering. Acta Polytechnica CTU Proceedings. 28. Praha: Czech Technical University in Prague, 2020. p. 50-58. ISBN: 978-80-01-06794-9. ISSN: 2336-5382.Detail
CHAUHAN, R.; SINGH, R.; SINGH, N.; MEHTA, M.; MAKWANA, R.; SURYANARAYANA, S.; MUKHERJEE, S.; NAYAK, B.; NAIK, H.; VARMUŽA, J.; KATOVSKÝ, K. Study of (n, 2n) reaction cross sections for 107Ag within the energy range of 9–22 MeV. European Physical Journal Plus, 2021, vol. 136, no. 5, p. 532-535. ISSN: 2190-5444.Detail
SINGH, R.; SINGH, N.; CHAUHAN, R.; MEHTA, M.; SURYANARAYANA, S.; MAKWANA, R.; MUKHERJEE, S.; NAYAK, B.; NAIK, H.; VARMUŽA, J.; KATOVSKÝ, K. Cross sections for the (n, p) reaction of selenium isotopes within 10.5 to 19.81 MeV neutron energies. European Physical Journal Plus, 2021, vol. 136, no. ě, p. 338-359. ISSN: 2190-5444.Detail
MEHTA, M.; SINGH, N.; SINGH, R.; PARASHARI, S.; SUBHASH, P.; NAIK, H.; CHAUHAN, R.; MAKWANA, R.; SURYANARAYANA, S.; MUKHERJEE, S.; GANDHI, A.; VARMUŽA, J.; KATOVSKÝ, K. Measurement of Zr-90(n,2n)Zr-89 and Zr-90(n,p)Y-90m reaction cross-sections in the neutron energy range of 10.95 to 20.02 MeV. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 2021, vol. 328, no. 1, p. 71-81. ISSN: 0236-5731.Detail
MELYAN, E.; KATOVSKÝ, K.; BALABEKYAN, A. DETERMINATION OF PHOTONEUTRON PRODUCTION FROM DIFFERENT TARGETS IRRADIATED BY ELECTRON BEAM. Conference “NUCLEUS – 2021. Nuclear physics and elementary particle physics. Nuclear physics technologies”. Saint Petersburg, Russia: LXXI International conference “NUCLEUS – 2021. Nuclear physics and elementary particle physics. Nuclear physics technologies", 2021. p. 109-109. ISBN: 978-5-9651-1357-6.Detail
HAYSAK, I.; MARTISHICHKIN, V.; HARAPKO, Y.; HOLOMB, R.; KATOVSKÝ, K. Production and Monitoring of Neutron Flux by Activation Detectors. In ANIMMA 2021 - ADVANCEMENTS IN NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTATION MEASUREMENT METHODS AND THEIR APPLICATIONS. EPJ Web of Conferences. 17, Avenue du Hoggar Parc d'Activités de Courtabœuf, B.P. 112 F-91944 Les Ulis Cedex A, France: EDP Sciences, 2021. p. 1-4. ISSN: 2100-014X.Detail
SINGH, R.; SINGH, N.; CHAUHAN, R.; MEHTA, M.; SURYANARAYANA, S.; MAKWANA, R.; MUKHERJEE, S.; NAYAK, B.; NAIK, H.; NAG, T.; KATOVSKÝ, K. Neutron induced reaction cross section of 51V with covariance analysis. EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL A, 2021, vol. 57, no. 12, p. 1-16. ISSN: 1434-6001.Detail
MEHTA, M.; SINGH, N.; SINGH, R.; CHAUHAN, R.; MAKWANA, R.; SURYANARAYANA, S.; NAIK, H.; SUBHASH, P.; MUKHERJEE, S.; VARMUŽA, J.; KATOVSKÝ, K. Cross-section of (n,2n) reaction for niobium and strontium isotopes between 13.97 to 20.02 MeV neutron energies. APPLIED RADIATION AND ISOTOPES, 2022, vol. 182, no. 110142, p. 1-7. ISSN: 0969-8043.Detail
SINGH, R.; SINGH, N.; CHAUHAN, R.; MEHTA, M.; SURYANARAYANA, S.; MAKWANA, R.; NAYAK, B.; NAIK, H.; NAG, T.; KATOVSKÝ, K. Systematic study of the (n, 2n) reaction cross section for Sb-121 and Sb-123 isotopes. CHINESE PHYS C, 2022, vol. 46, no. 5, p. 054002-1 (054002-18 p.)ISSN: 1674-1137.Detail
BURIAN, J. Experimental investigation of natrium chloride neutron induced reactions for nuclear reactors cooled by molten salts. In Proceedings I of the 28 th Conference STUDENT EEICT 2022 General Papers. 1. Brno: Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communication, 2022. p. 352-356. ISBN: 978-80-214-6029-4.Detail
TANCHAK, A.; KATOVSKÝ, K.; HAYSAK, I.; HOLOMB, R.; ADAM, J. Proton-induced spallation of 239Pu at energy 660 MeV. Збірник матеріалів ювілейної конференції 30 років Інституту електроної фізики Національної академії наук України. 1. Uzhhorod, Ukraine: Institute of Electron Physics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 2022. p. 158-160. ISBN: 978-617-8127-03-9.Detail
ŠŤASTNÝ, O. Comparison of spallation target designs. Jubilee conference "30 years of the Institute of Electronic Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine". Uzhhorod, Ukraine: Institute of Electron Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 2022. p. 202-203. ISBN: 978-617-8127-03-9.Detail
TANCHAK, A.; KATOVSKÝ, K.; HAYSAK, I.; ADAM, J.; HOLOMB, R. Research of spallation reaction on plutonium target irradiated by protons with energy of 660 MeV. Scientific Herald of Uzhhorod University. Series "Physics", 2022, vol. 2022, no. 52, p. 36-45. ISSN: 2415-8038.Detail
SINGH, R.; SINGH, N.; CHAUHAN, R.; MEHTA, M.; SURYANARAYANA, S.; MAKWANA, R.; MUKHERJEE, S.; NAYAK, B.; NAIK, H.; VARMUŽA, J.; KATOVSKÝ, K. Experimental and theoretical study of the 65Cu (𝒏, 𝒑) 65Ni reaction cross section from threshold to 25 MeV energies. Proceedings of the DAE Symposium on Nuclear Physics 65 (2021) Editor: Yogesh K. Gupta. I. A-221, TTC Industrial Area, Opt. Anthony Motors Pvt. Ltd. M.I.D.C. Mahape, New Mumbai - 400701 Republic of India: Prudents Art & Fab Pvt. Ltd., 2022. p. 353-354. ISBN: 818372084-6.Detail
SINGH, N.; GANDHI, A.; SHARMA, A.; CHOUDHARY, M.; UPADHYAY, M.; GAMI, S.; DUBEY, P.; KATOVSKÝ, K.; KUMAR, A. Systematics for the cross-sections of the (n,p), (n,α) and (n,2n) reactions at 14.5 MeV. Proceedings of the DAE Symposium on Nuclear Physics 65 (2021) Editor: Yogesh K. Gupta. I. A-221, TTC Industrial Area, Opt. Anthony Motors Pvt. Ltd. M.I.D.C. Mahape, New Mumbai - 400701 Republic of India: Prudents Art & Fab Pvt. Ltd., 2022. p. 351-352. ISBN: 818372084-6.Detail
HINGU, A.; SONI, B.; PARASHARI, S.; MAKWANA, R.; PRAJAPATI, P.; VASHI, V.; MEHTA, M.; PALIT, R.; SURYANARAYANA, S.; NAYAK, B.; KATOVSKÝ, K.; MUKHERJEE, S. Cross-sections for production of In115m by quasi-monoenergetic neutrons within 7-20 MeV. RADIATION PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY, 2022, vol. 199, no. 110270, p. 110270-1 (110270-8 p.)ISSN: 1879-0895.Detail
HOKOBYAN, A.; MARUKYAN, H.; KEROBYAN, I.; GULKANYAN, H.; POGHOSYAN, L.; POGOSOV, V.; TOROSYAN, H.; BABAYAN, A.; VAHRADYAN, L.; BALABEKYAN, A.; HOVHANNISYAN, G.; DALLAKYAN, R.; KATOVSKÝ, K. Investigations at the LUE-75 Linear Accelerator Facility of AI Alikhanyan National Science Laboratory. Journal of Contemporary Physics, 2022, vol. 57, no. 3, p. 209-217. ISSN: 1934-9378.Detail
KRÁL, D.; ŠŤASTNÝ, O.; KATOVSKÝ, K.; MARIANNO, C. High Energy Gamma Radiation Induced by Fast Neutrons from Californium Source in NaI(Tl) Detector in Close Geometry Measurements. In 2023 23rd International Scientific Conference on Electric Power Engineering (EPE). Proceedings of the ... International Scientific Conference on Electric Power Engineering. 1. Piscataway, New Jersey, USA/Brno, Czech Republic: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers - IEEE, 2023. ISBN: 979-8-3503-3593-4. ISSN: 2376-5631.Detail
TANCHAK, A.; ADAM, J.; KATOVSKÝ, K.; HOLOMB, R.; HAYSAK, I.; MARTISHICHKIN, V.; SINGH, N.; KUMAR, A. Transmutation of 239Pu irradiated by 660 MeV protons. In 2023 23rd International Scientific Conference on Electric Power Engineering (EPE). Proceedings of the ... International Scientific Conference on Electric Power Engineering. Piscataway, New Jersey, USA/Brno, Czech Republic: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers - IEEE, 2023. ISBN: 979-8-3503-3593-4. ISSN: 2376-5631.Detail
SINGH, R.; SINGH, N.; MEHTA, M.; CHAUHAN, R.; KUMAWAT, H.; MAKWANA, R.; SURYANARAYANA, S.; NAYAK, B.; NAIK, H.; VARMUŽA, J.; KATOVSKÝ, K. Experimental and theoretical study of the 65Cu(n,p) 65Ni reaction cross section from reaction threshold up to 25 MeV. PHYSICAL REVIEW C, 2023, vol. 107, no. 5, p. 1-14. ISSN: 2469-9985.Detail
SINGH, N.; BANGOTRA, P.; SINGH, R.; MEHTA, M.; MAKWANA, R.; CHAUHAN, R.; VASHI, V.; SURYANARAYANA, S.; NAYAK, B.; NAIK, H.; KATOVSKÝ, K.; VARMUŽA, J. Systematic study of the (n,p) reaction cross section on 112Cd isotope from reaction threshold to 20 MeV energies. In 2023 23rd International Scientific Conference on Electric Power Engineering (EPE). Proceedings of the ... International Scientific Conference on Electric Power Engineering. 1. Piscataway, New Jersey, USA/Brno, Czech Republic: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers - IEEE, 2023. ISBN: 979-8-3503-3593-4. ISSN: 2376-5631.Detail
ASHA, P.; KUMAR, Y.; SINGH, N.; KUMAR, V.; KATOVSKÝ, K. Neutron irradiation effects in La2Zr2O7 pyrochlore. In 2023 23rd International Scientific Conference on Electric Power Engineering (EPE). Proceedings of the ... International Scientific Conference on Electric Power Engineering. 1. Piscataway, New Jersey, USA/Brno, Czech Republic: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers - IEEE, 2023. ISBN: 979-8-3503-3593-4. ISSN: 2376-5631.Detail
ŠŤASTNÝ, O.; KRÁL, D.; ŠTEVANKA, K.; KATOVSKÝ, K. Analysis of neutronic properties of spallation target materials. In 2023 23rd International Scientific Conference on Electric Power Engineering (EPE). Proceedings of the ... International Scientific Conference on Electric Power Engineering. 1. Piscataway, New Jersey, USA/Brno, Czech Republic: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers - IEEE, 2023. ISBN: 979-8-3503-3593-4. ISSN: 2376-5631.Detail
BANGOTRA, P.; SINGH, N.; MEHRA, R.; KATOVSKÝ, K.; ASHISH, A.; KUMAR, Y. Assessment of radiological doses from the uranium retention in the various human organs and tissues. In 2023 23rd International Scientific Conference on Electric Power Engineering (EPE). Proceedings of the ... International Scientific Conference on Electric Power Engineering. 1. Piscataway, New Jersey, USA/Brno, Czech Republic: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers - IEEE, 2023. ISBN: 979-8-3503-3593-4. ISSN: 2376-5631.Detail
SINGH, N.; BANGOTRA, P.; MEHTA, M.; SINGH, R.; SONI, B.; MAKWANA, R.; CHAUHAN, R.; VASHI, V.; PALIT, R.; SUBHASH, P.; NAIK, H.; SURYANARAYANA, S.; SHARMA, S.; KATOVSKÝ, K.; VARMUŽA, J. Measurement of 85Rb(n,2n)84mRb reaction cross-section at 15.72±0.59 and 16.73±0.66 MeV. In 2023 23rd International Scientific Conference on Electric Power Engineering (EPE). Proceedings of the ... International Scientific Conference on Electric Power Engineering. 1. Piscataway, New Jersey, USA/Brno, Czech Republic: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers - IEEE, 2023. ISBN: 979-8-3503-3593-4. ISSN: 2376-5631.Detail
UPADHYAY, M.; CHOUDHARY, M.; GANDHI, A.; SINGH, N.; BAMAL, S.; SHARMA, A.; KUMAR, A.; HINGU, A.; DE, S.; R.G., T.; KUMAR, A.; DANU, L.; MISHRA, G.; MITRA, A.; KATOVSKÝ, K.; MUKHERJEE, S.; SOOD, S.; PRASAD, S. Measurements of neutron capture cross sections on 109Ag at 0.53, 1.05, 1.66 MeV. In 2023 23rd International Scientific Conference on Electric Power Engineering (EPE). Proceedings of the ... International Scientific Conference on Electric Power Engineering. 1. Piscataway, New Jersey, USA/Brno, Czech Republic: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers - IEEE, 2023. ISBN: 979-8-3503-3593-4. ISSN: 2376-5631.Detail
CHOUDHARY, M.; SHARMA, A.; GANDHI, A.; SINGH, N.; DUBEY, P.; UPADHYAY, M.; MISHRA, U.; DUBEY, N.; DASGUPTA, S.; DATTA, J.; KATOVSKÝ, K.; KUMAR, A. Measurement of excitation functions for Cu-nat(alpha,x) reactions with detailed covariance analysis. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS G-NUCLEAR AND PARTICLE PHYSICS, 2023, vol. 50, no. 1, ISSN: 0954-3899.Detail
ERICH, M.; GLOGINJIC, M.; MRAVIK, Ž.; VRBAN, B.; ČERBA, Š.; LÜLEY, J.; NEČAS, V.; FILOVÁ, V.; KATOVSKÝ, K.; ŠŤASTNÝ, O.; PETROVIC, S. Dependence of the 6H - SiC induced amorphization on the ion beam implanted fluence. In AIP Conference Proceedings 2778 - 27th Conference on Applied Physics of Condensed Matter (APCOM 2022). AIP conference proceedings. 2778. AIP College Park, Maryland, USA Physical Science Publishing - AIP Publishing LLC Woodbury, Long Island, NY, USA: American Institute of Physics Inc., 2023. p. 1-5. ISBN: 978-0-7354-4479-9. ISSN: 0094-243X.Detail
HINGU, A.; PRAJAPATI, P.; MUKHERJEE, S.; PIZZONE, R.; KATOVSKÝ, K. Astrophysical S factor and reaction rate of 92,94Mo(p,γ) relevant to the p-process. EPJ Web of Conferences, 2023, vol. 275, no. 1, ISSN: 2100-014X.Detail
HINGU, A.; PRAJAPATI, P.; MUKHERJEE, S.; PIZZONE, R.; KATOVSKÝ, K. Erratum to: Astrophysical S factor and reaction rate of 92,94Mo(p,ɣ) relevant to the p-process. EPJ Web of Conferences, 2023, vol. 275, no. 1, ISSN: 2100-014X.Detail
SINGH, N.; MEHTA, M.; SINGH, R.; SUBHASH, P.; MAKWANA, R.; CHAUHAN, R.; SONI, B.; NAIK, H.; SURYANARAYANA, S.; VARMUŽA, J.; KATOVSKÝ, K. Measurement of 85Rb (n, 2n) 84mRb reaction cross-section at different neutron energies. Proceedings of 66th DAE Symposium of Nuclear Physics. 1. G.E. ROAD, Durg, Bhilai Nagar, Chhattisgarh, India: SITA PUBLICATION PVT. LTD., 2022. p. 621-622. ISBN: 978-81-959225-1-2.Detail
CHOUDHARY, M.; SHARMA, A.; SINGH, N.; GANDHI, A.; DASGUPTA, S.; DATTA, J.; KATOVSKÝ, K.; KUMAR, A. Measurement of alpha-induced reaction cross-sections for natZn with detailed covariance analysis. NUCLEAR PHYSICS A, 2023, vol. 1038, no. October 2023, p. 1-15. ISSN: 1873-1554.Detail
SINGH, R.; SINGH, N.; MEHTA, M.; CHAUHAN, R.; SURYANARAYANA, S.; MAKWANA, R.; NAYAK, B.; NAIK, H.; VARMUŽA, J.; KATOVSKÝ, K. Activation cross section for the (n,2n) and (n,p) reactions on 103Rh, 48Ti and 52Cr from reaction threshold up to 25 MeV energy region. APPLIED RADIATION AND ISOTOPES, 2023, vol. 200, no. October 2023, p. 1-13. ISSN: 1872-9800.Detail
ŠTEVANKA, K.; SLANČÍK, T. EFFECT OF NACL ON NEUTRON FLUX DENSITY IN GRAPHITE BLOCK. Acta Polytechnica CTU Proceedings. Acta Polytechnica CTU Proceedings. Praha: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, 2019. p. 31-37. ISBN: 978-80-01-06678-2. ISSN: 2336-5382.Detail