Detail projektu

Vývoj zařízení pro ohřev kapaliny

Období řešení: 01.04.2020 — 30.09.2021

Zdroje financování

Evropská unie - OP PIK - Aplikace

- plně financující (2020-06-04 - 2021-09-30)

O projektu

Development of the equipment for liquid heating

Popis anglicky
The proposed solution within the project, ie the technology used in the developed equipment has dynamic heating, where heat is transferred from the heater directly to the flowing liquid. The difference in temperature required for dynamic convection is thus only a few tens of ° C. This makes the onset, transfer and aftercooling more efficient and at the same time minimizes the formation of water sanitizer, as the liquid under pressure dynamically and turbulently washes the heat exchange surface, thus not allowing surface cavitation. The thermal stress of the materials is also many times lower due to the low delta-T. Thanks to these features, it can be expected to at least partially replace conventional technologies with this new product, as in many respects it significantly minimizes the shortcomings of existing ones.

Klíčová slova
Ohřev kapaliny; nucená konvekce.

Klíčová slova anglicky
liquid heating equipment



Originální jazyk




Ústav teoretické a experimentální elektrotechniky
- příjemce (07.01.2020 - nezadáno)


KŘÍŽ, T. Numerická CFD analýza průtokového ohřívače DVOR. 2020. s. 1-54.

MIKULKA, J. Regulátor ohřívače vody, komunikační modul. 2020. s. 1-44.