Detail projektu
Mechanism of focused ion beam driven structural and magnetic phase transformation in metastable iron layers
Období řešení: 1.2.2021 — 31.1.2023
Zdroje financování
Evropská unie - Interní grantová soutěž
O projektu
Magnonics is a livid field of science aiming for low power consumption logic elements with a potential to go beyond the current electronics. The presented project aims to investigate the unique magnonic material – metastable iron. This material is suitable for the direct writing of magnetic nanostructures by a focused ion beam. In this work, I will unravel the mechanism of the phase transformation, and by understanding the process, we will be able to design even more advanced magnonic building blocks for future 2D all-magnon circuitry.
Popis anglicky
The aim of the project is to create a competition for student research grants and its pilot verification. The creation of a new competition will contribute to the development of cross-sectional skills of doctoral students, and thus acquire competencies for work in science and research in the future and increase their success in submitting scientific projects to national and international competitions.
CEITEC VUT-K-21-7070
Originální jazyk
Holobrádek Jakub, Ing. - hlavní řešitel
Sdílená laboratoř RP1
- odpovědné pracoviště (26.5.2021 - nezadáno)
Středoevropský technologický institut VUT
- odpovědné pracoviště (4.12.2020 - 26.5.2021)
Sdílená laboratoř RP1
- spolupříjemce (1.2.2021 - 31.1.2023)
Středoevropský technologický institut VUT
- příjemce (1.2.2021 - 31.1.2023)
HOLOBRÁDEK, J.; VAŇATKA, M.; URBÁNEK, M.: Levitating antenna on glass for spin wave exitation and detection. URL: (prototyp)
Odpovědnost: Holobrádek Jakub, Ing.