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Detail projektu
Období řešení: 01.10.2023 — 30.06.2028
Zdroje financování
Evropská unie - OP JAK Špičkový výzkum
- plně financující (2023-09-01 - 2028-06-30)
O projektu
Quantum technologies encompass several new multidisciplinary research areas at the interface of physics, chemistry, mathematics, computer science, and materials science and carry a high technological potential So far, most attention has been devoted to the field of quantum computers, which aim to provide new information and communication technologies by harnessing fundamental rules of quantum physics However, exploiting quantum mechanical principles can boost progress in other areas of research and development as well Especially this applies to modelling and design of new materials and to control of processes which underlie new devices, with a potential for a strong impact on development of new emission free sustainable technologies Examples of rapidly developing areas in this respect include spintronics superconductivity, photocatalysis electrolysis, fuel cells or photonics New discoveries in these fields quickly find their use in applications which promote environmentally friendly energy production and its efficient use This includes green hydrogen and ammonia production for renewable energy systems, new fuel cells, multiferroic materials for data storage and computer memories, microelectronics components, sensors and other devices Revolutionary new approaches in theory and mathematical simulation together with development of new experimental techniques enable design and synthesis of quantum materials such as nanostructures, thin films or doped systems and promise further discoveries of new functional materials with emergent properties.
Popis anglickyThe main objective of the QM4ST project is to integrate groups within the Czech Republic with unique worldwide expertise and state of the art knowledge in quantum materials and operando/in-situ techniques, leading to a deeper understanding and consequently to novel applications to new sustainable technologies. To study quantum materials under real conditions and to enhance insights into the working devices, we will establish and develop powerful theoretical and experimental infrastructure chain to predict, to synthetize and to characterise structural, electronic and transport properties of novel quantum low dimensional materials, and therefore leading to novel effective technological applications. For this ambitious research goal, QM4ST draws on a scientific ecosystem of top consortium in the field of physical sciences and on the further development of the new dedicated facilities. Furthermore, we will establish five new key international collaborations to strengthen the internationalisation of all consortium partners. This will lead to deep involvement of leading international experts from the field of quantum technologies leading to significant increase of the quality of the project results and their impact. Young international scientists will strongly benefit from the dynamic environment of the project, and will be directly supported through access to research fellowships and mobility as well as a comprehensive offer of workshops, mentoring, open science and diversity programmes.
Klíčová slova anglickyQuantum materials, Operando/In-situ characterization, Methods, Materials, Advanced analyses, Sustainable Technologies, Sensors and Detectors, Spintronics, Fuel Cells, 2D twisted sandwich, Smart e-saving, Lighting, Photocatalysis, 2D topological, Density functional theory
Originální jazyk
Kolíbal Miroslav, prof. doc. Ing., Ph.D. - hlavní řešitel
Příprava a charakterizace nanostruktur- příjemce (24.11.2022 - nezadáno)
AIGNER, A.; LIGMAJER, F.; ROVENSKÁ, K.; HOLOBRÁDEK, J.; IDESOVÁ, B.; MAIER, S.; TITTL, A.; MENEZES, L. Engineering of Active and Passive Loss in High-Quality-Factor Vanadium Dioxide-Based BIC Metasurfaces. NANO LETTERS, 2024, vol. 24, no. 35, p. 10742-10749. ISSN: 1530-6984.Detail
FOLTÝN, M.; PATOČKA, M.; ŘEPA, R.; ŠIKOLA, T.; HORÁK, M. Influence of Deposition Parameters on the Plasmonic Properties of Gold Nanoantennas Fabricated by Focused Ion Beam Lithography. ACS OMEGA, 2024, vol. 9, no. 35, p. 37408-37416. ISSN: 2470-1343.Detail