Detail projektu
EXCITE²: Enhanced X(cross)-disciplinary Community-driven Imaging Technologies for Earth and Environmental material research
Období řešení: 1.4.2024 — 31.3.2028
Zdroje financování
Evropská unie - HORIZON EUROPE
O projektu
The EXCITE² Network is revolutionizing Earth and environmental material science research by consolidating a critical mass of 18 research facilities in 12 European and associated partner countries into a unified infrastructure and providing transnational access to advanced imaging technologies. This enables scientists to decipher complex processes within Earth materials at scales from nanometres to hundreds of centimetres, gaining unparalleled insight into the chemical and physical processes that govern, among others, environmental toxicity and its impact on human health, critical metal extraction for renewable energies, and the utilisation of Earth materials as long-term storage for climate-altering gases. The consortium fosters knowledge-sharing and talent attraction, bolstering the problem-solving capacity of the European Research Area. Moreover, EXCITE² is driving interdisciplinary collaboration and cross-fertilisation across academic institutions, scientific disciplines, and industry, propelling Europe towards a sustainable future. The initiative offers dedicated training programmes to a new generation of researchers within the European open science landscape, paired with access to world-class imaging facilities and expertise for problem-solving research and innovation. EXCITE² is introducing innovative service developments, such as artificial intelligence and leading-edge imaging experiments, to increase the user's problem-solving capacity. In addition, the consortium is implementing customised project valorisation strategies to maximize the impact of research outcomes in academia, society, and the economy. Citizen science projects allow the public to participate directly within the EXCITE² Network, contributing to solving EU challenges. As such, EXCITE² is paving the way towards a sustainable future, driving scientific excellence, and creating positive societal impact..
Klíčová slova
Electron microscopy, X-ray microscopy, Earth and environmental materials
Originální jazyk
Kaiser Jozef, prof. Ing., Ph.D. - hlavní řešitel
Jaques Victory, Mgr., PhD. - spoluřešitel
Pořízka Pavel, doc. Ing., Ph.D. - spoluřešitel
Zikmund Tomáš, doc. Ing., Ph.D. - spoluřešitel
Pokročilé instrumentace a metody pro charakterizace materiálů
- odpovědné pracoviště (2.3.2023 - nezadáno)
Pokročilé instrumentace a metody pro charakterizace materiálů
- příjemce (2.3.2023 - nezadáno)
Odpovědnost: Kaiser Jozef, prof. Ing., Ph.D.