Detail projektu

Emission-free technologies for local energy sources replacement

Období řešení: 1.1.2023 — 30.6.2026

Zdroje financování

Technologická agentura ČR - 2. veřejná soutěž: Program Národní centra kompetence

- plně financující (21. 3. 2022 - 31. 12. 2033)

O projektu

The proposed project aims to develop technologies and competencies for the future replacement of local energy and heating sources with new emission-free technologies for electricity and heat production. One of the crucial technologies that will play a key role in the next decade in replacing ageing coal-fired power plants, especially for the CHP generation, is light water small modular reactor technology. As a zero-emission source, they will contribute significantly to the Czech Republic's commitment to the transition to low-carbon energy and to reducing our dependence on fossil fuels and imports of energy raw materials (natural gas). Several concepts of light water small modular reactors are currently under development or already in the licensing phase. The proposed project aims to build on the long-standing experience and competencies of the Czech industry, research organisations and universities in the design, construction, operation and maintenance of light water reactor technologies and to further develop this strategic know-how with the ambition of developing selected subsystems and technologies that will be applicable in arbitrary light water small modular reactor concept. This will significantly increase the potential for the Czech industry to be involved in the construction of SMRs in the Czech Republic and abroad. Successful and rapid utilization of SMRs require development of methods and procedures for: (i) SMRs safety assessment in the licensing process, and (ii) technical and business evaluation to select appropriate technology for the given case. These are the key competencies for the regulatory authorities (SONS), investors and operators. Therefore, the proposed project also aims to develop such methodologies, simulation models and computational software allowing assessment of SMR technologies from the above explained perspectives.

Klíčová slova
Low carbon technology; Emission free technology; Small modular reactors



Originální jazyk




Ústav elektroenergetiky
- odpovědné pracoviště (2.3.2023 - nezadáno)
Energetický ústav
- spolupříjemce (1.1.2023 - 30.6.2026)
Ústav elektroenergetiky
- příjemce (1.1.2023 - 30.6.2026)

Odpovědnost: Vojáčková Jitka, Ing.