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Detail projektu
Období řešení: 01.01.2023 — 30.06.2026
Zdroje financování
Technologická agentura ČR - 2. veřejná soutěž: Program Národní centra kompetence_NPO
- plně financující (2023-02-28 - 2028-12-31)
O projektu
The basic intentions of the general framework project are amended by research focused on recent development in already accepted or proposed European regulations and directives, especially EURO 7 limits and methodology for pollutants. The holistic approach to Life Cycle Analysis, planned for the whole project and based on the previously achieved results of consortium participants, creates an inevitable tool for it. The amendment solves two issues after public tender result decision, done by TACR, reducing the budget of all projects accepted for funding: 1. It focusses the starting activities of the proposed subproject to the topics, which were not yet known during general project elaboration in all details. The current development of EU is rather abrupt, which has been caused by Covid 19 pandemic, Ukrainian war and long-term orientation to natural gas import from Russia, inevitable for cheap implementation of renewable energy intermittent sources. 2. It uses additional resources for project funding, enabling to increase the number of outcomes and compensate for budget reduction. Without this compensation, it would not be possible to keep the number and quality of originally planned outcomes. The subproject is aimed at finding the optimal balance of technical, environmental, and economic aspects of innovations deployable during the next 4 years in the framework of National Programme of Renewal, supported by EU funds. The subproject envisages the use of natural synergies between road and rail transport industries. The use of modern digitization tools plays a crucial role. Focus on Life Cycle Analysis and Life Cycle Cost involves social sciences into the project, yielding broader scope and possible well-based feed-back to EC intentions combined with the current situation of EU and domestic vehicle industry. In the automotive sector, it reflects the long-term focus of R&D of domestic manufacturers to emerging markets, which has been recently stressed by VW long-term policy in moving ICE R&D to Skoda Auto, currently preparing the application of Euro 7 regulations for both ICE and BEV. The regulations for non-engine particles as pollutant is expected to be broadened to rail vehicle design, e.g., considering future particle emissions from municipal transport rail vehicles. Moreover, the municipal vehicles may use rationalistic approach to transport electrification. It offers market potential for electric buses with partially contact charging from grid during operation at electrified roads. New regulations for fair BEV impact assessment react to real LCA impact on emissions, danger caused by Li toxicity and flammability, fair customer information on operation features of electric cars (range under different weather conditions, durability of a battery, second-hand market of used cars and battery SoH assessment, etc.). Planned activities resulting in outcomes address the mentioned recent issues and will support the change of mobility paradigms finding optimum compromise. The manufacture of vehicles in CR is a traditional and successful part of the Czech industry, covering approx. 10% of the total national GDP, more than 20% of industrial GDP and approx. 25% of industrial export. The new subproject combines some of original outcomes with new ones. The budget is increased and distributed between TACR and NPR supported parts with clearly split accounting for both funding resources. Altogether, slight increase (15%) of project funding is proposed. Nevertheless, after the project funding contract is signed between TACR and the main beneficiary, CTU in Prague, the impact of new subproject to originally planned financing of individual participants will be reflected, using standard TACR procedure for the project amendments. It will be done during elaboration of further subprojects keeping original intentions for proportions of efforts and outcomes among participants. These envisaged changes will not impact the curren
Klíčová slova European regulations and directives, EURO7, Life Cycle Analysis, holistic approach, methodology for pollutants.
Originální jazyk
Štětina Josef, prof. Ing., Ph.D. - hlavní řešitelFišer Jan, doc. Ing. Bc., Ph.D. - spoluřešitelMazůrek Ivan, doc. Ing., CSc. - spoluřešitelNovotný Pavel, prof. Ing., Ph.D. - spoluřešitelOmasta Milan, doc. Ing., Ph.D. - spoluřešitelŘehák Kamil, Ing., Ph.D. - spoluřešitel
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