Detail projektu

Biopotential Recordings with Flexible ITO Field Effect Transistors (BioFlexFET)

Období řešení: 01.01.2024 — 31.12.2026

Zdroje financování

Grantová agentura České republiky - Standardní projekty

- plně financující (2024-02-20 - 2026-12-31)

O projektu

Next-generation bioelectronics that lead to better patient outcomes rely heavily on creative engineering and materials development. Potential areas of advancement exist on a variety of levels, including reduction of physical invasiveness, improving electrophysiological signal acquisition, and enhancing efficiency of therapeutic devices. This project aims to promote advancement using transistors based on flexible materials, thereby reducing tissue damage, improving the bioelectronic interface, and allowing full design freedom. An indium tin oxide-based n-type material system for electrolyte gated field effect transistors (EGFETs) is proposed, achieving high amplification properties for ideal transduction of biological signals. I aim to employ our EGFET technology along with innovative designs and material/process optimization to enable flexible, implantable platforms for quality biopotential recordings. Cooperation with neuroscience partners will allow translation to relevant in vivo applications with initial work focused on attaining historically difficult vagus nerve recordings.

Klíčová slova
Electrolyte Gated Field Effect Transistor;Bioelectronics;Flexible Electronics;Metal Oxide;ITO;Electrophysiology



Originální jazyk




Bioelektronické materiály a systémy
- příjemce (02.04.2023 - nezadáno)