Detail projektu
Období řešení: 1.10.2023 — 30.9.2027
Zdroje financování
Evropská unie - Digital Europe Programme
O projektu
DIGITAL4Security is an innovative and market-led European Masters Programme in Cybersecurity Management & Data Sovereignty that will equip European SMEs and Companies across multiple sectors with the cybersecurity management, regulatory and technical skills they need to prevent and respond to existing and emerging cybersecurity threats, helping to safeguard European industries from cyber-attack. Our Digital4Security Programme will be market and industry demand-led at its core, continuously adapting and evolving to address current and future cybersecurity risks and supporting European companies, and in particular SMEs, to minimise security risks, build robust defences, and effectively manage any cyber incident. DIGITAL4Security will contribute to the overall objectives of the DIGITAL Europe Programme by fast-tracking high numbers of graduates into high demand roles from the European Cybersecurity Skills Framework (ECSF), filling crucial occupational profiles that are critical to the ongoing security and success of European businesses. Our objective is to reskill and upskill graduates, professionals, managers, and business leaders to become ‘Cyber Confident’ and empowered with the cybersecurity management expertise they need to strengthen their cybersecurity infrastructure and implement robust incident prevention and management procedures. The global objective of this project is to design and implement a highly innovative, effective and sustainable European Cyber-security Masters Programme that will provide a continuous supply of qualified cybersecurity management experts, helping to address the growing cybersecurity skills gap that is endangering the stability of many European industries and public sector institutions. The programme will be designed to appeal to the broadest possible catchment of potential students and companies from many different sectors, demographics, and cultural backgrounds; ensuring gender equality and including students from diversity groups.
Originální jazyk
Hajný Jan, prof. Ing., Ph.D. - hlavní řešitel
Ústav telekomunikací
- odpovědné pracoviště (27.4.2023 - nezadáno)
Ústav telekomunikací
- příjemce (27.4.2023 - nezadáno)
Odpovědnost: Hajný Jan, prof. Ing., Ph.D.