Detail projektu

Advanced techniques for effective kinetic nonlinear energy harvesting technologies

Období řešení: 1.1.2025 — 31.12.2027

Zdroje financování

Grantová agentura České republiky - LA granty

O projektu

Kinetic energy harvesting technologies provide useful tools for autonomous sensing systems in Industry 4.0 applications. Generating of useful electricity from ambient kinetic energy is widely published for recent 20 years. However kinetic energy harvesting systems are used only in a few industrial applications yet. This project is focused on several multidisciplinary aspects of these systems which will enable widespread industrial applications and these aspects are still not emphasized in current research. Namely these aspects are: effective design of nonlinear systems, realizing of high-energy orbits response, chaotic solution, uncertainty of design parameters, adaptation of design parameters for maximal generated power and effect of a real electrical load for stable or chaotic solution of nonlinear energy harvesting system. Main aim of this project deals with modeling and verification of multidisciplinary nonlinear systems which can provide extended operation bandwidth with adaptive design parameters and controlled electrical load for maximal energy harvesting.

Klíčová slova
Vibration;Nonlinear resonator;Piezoceramic;Magnet;Power management electronics



Originální jazyk



Hadaš Zdeněk, doc. Ing., Ph.D. - hlavní řešitel


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