Detail projektu

DigiFoundry Project - Digital Foundry Training Platform

Období řešení: 01.01.2025 — 31.12.2026

Zdroje financování

Evropská unie - Erasmus+

- plně financující (2024-12-01 - 2026-11-30)

O projektu

•The first aspect of this platform will be similar to a video or online game, designed to demonstrate basic foundry practices in a virtual environment (e.g. core making, moulding, melting). • The second aspect focuses on the development of training materials (e.g. presentations or case studies) that emphasise sustainability, efficiency and digitalisation, target audience is the same. • Our aim is to engage the new generation in the industry and provide them with a vision of sustainable production in line with modern dynamics in a suitable way. • This initiative, planned as an EU Erasmus+ project, will be publicly accessible via the internet and free of charge.

Klíčová slova
Foundry technology, digital platform, vocational education



Originální jazyk




Ústav strojírenské technologie
- příjemce (22.02.2024 - nezadáno)