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Detail projektu
Období řešení: 01.01.1998 — 31.12.2002
Zdroje financování
Grantová agentura České republiky - Standardní projekty
- plně financující
O projektu
Popis anglickyA modelling / optimisation of cement and related process in a realistic industrial - economic envirorunent , are always based on vague knowledge that represents an integration of economic and engineering' information. Data are so uncertain that quite frequently only trends and not the quantitative location of the optimum can be evaluated. Poorly known systems and processes are rather often described by sets of qualitative relations (e.g. if temperature goes up then concentration goes down). No generallyapplicable method exists and an ad hoc approach and close co-operation with an experienced team of knowledge , engineers is essential in order to formalise vaguely known experience. The goal of the project is to formalised the above mentioned shallow knowledge using fuzzy logic and qualitative modelling. Fuzzy' reasoning is relatively well known and certain subsystems of cement productions are controlled by fuzzy algorithms. However, the main disadvantage of the fuzzy approach is its subjecti
Originální jazyk
Krejčí Aleš, doc. Ing., CSc. - hlavní řešitel
Fakulta stavební- odpovědné pracoviště (01.01.1989 - nezadáno)
KOŘENSKÁ, M., WEBER, Z., SMUTNÝ, J., PAZDERA, L. Aplikace moderních metod frekvenční analýzy na signál akustické emise. In 60.výročie Stavebnej fakulty STU v Bratislave. Bratislava: Slovenská technická universita v Bratislave, 1998. s. 33 ( s.)ISBN: 80-227-113.Detail
Krejčí, A. - Rada, V. The Control System of the Cement Kiln using the Linguistic Models based Fuzzy Logic. In Nostradamus 2000 - Prediction Conference. Zlín: Knihovna F. Bartoše, Zlín, 2000. p. 216-221. ISBN: 80-214-1668-8.Detail
KOŘENSKÁ, M., PAZDERA, L. Vytápění objektů infrazářiči. In Research Activities of Physical Departments of Civil Enginee. Brno: Vysoké učení technické v Brně, 1998. s. 67 ( s.)ISBN: 80-214-114.Detail