Detail produktu

MultiLeftCensor 1.0


Typ produktu



When dealing with environmental or chemical data, left censoring with one or more detection limits often arise. MultiLeftCensor 1.0 is a software for statistical analysis of type I multiply left-censored random samples from exponential and Weibull distribution. Unknown parameters of the particular distributions are estimated using the maximum likelihood method. Estimates of the parameters variances are based on the expected Fisher information matrix. Moreover, statistical tests (Lagrange multiplier test, likelihood ratio test, Wald test) for comparison of two independent type I multiply left-censored samples from exponential and Weibull distribution are implemented.

Klíčová slova

Fisher information matrix; Lagrange multiplier; multiple left censoring; likelihood ratio; maximum likelihood; Wald test

Datum vzniku

13. 11. 2013


UMAT FEKT VUT v Brně, Technická 2848/8, 616 00 Brno

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