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Object Frameworks


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The concept of a framework is derived from a slightly more general notion, formal context, which was introduced by B. Ganter and R. Wille at the end of the 70's as one of the key notions in Formal Concept Analysis. It is used in theoretical computer scince especially in connection with data representation and organization. Framework is an algebraic structure whose purpose is capturing the topological or topology-like structure of a system from its externally observed properties. Formally, framework is a special formal context whose incidence relation is the membership relation. The framework structure may be used, for example, for investigation of topological properties of certain causal structures, motivated by quantum gravity, interactions of particles, Feynman diagrams, information systems and databases as well as for classification of other mathematical objects, like dynamical systems. Application Object Frameworks checks if the formal context is correctly given by the input and then it calculates the framework associated with the formal context on the set of its objects.

Klíčová slova

Formal context, objects, framework, framology

Datum vzniku

25. 11. 2014


Server UMAT FEKT VUT v Brně, Technická 8, 616 00 Brno

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