Detail produktu

Differential Transformation Method


Typ produktu



This software emulates solving differential equations using the differential transformation method (DTM), a modern semi-analytical numerical technique which uses Taylor series for the solution of differential equations in the form of polynomials yet does not require symbolic computation of the necessary derivatives of data functions. The method avoids the need of linearization of perturbations, large computational work as well as round-off errors. It may be applied on various types of differential (and integro-differential) equations with as well as without delay. The software uses a selection of basic as well as special recently proved transformation formulas and has been built in a way that makes implementation of new formulas an easy task.

Klíčová slova

differential transformation method, DTM, initial value problem, ODE, Taylor series

Datum vzniku

20. 12. 2014


Server Ústavu matematiky FEKT VUT

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