Detail produktu
Dynamic test system for evaluation of dose rate sensitivity
Typ produktu
funkční vzorek
Novel test method and test systems have been developed in order to investigate the dose rate sensitivity of various semiconductor devices during a non-stop irradiation test. The dose rate was controlled by positioning of the samples using a programmable linear actuator. The software cycled the dose rate continuously during the irradiation from low to mid up high dose rate and back. The samples were electrically tested at exact times (total dose increments). A demonstration experiment testing PMOS transistors and voltage references has been successfully tested. All test equipment, including radiation tolerant positioning system, has been custom developed for this project.
Klíčová slova
Dose rate, total ionizing dose, space electronics, radiation, PMOS transistors, voltage references
Datum vzniku
20. 11. 2015
168 Maxwell Avenue, Harwell, DIDCOT, Oxfordshire, OX 11 0QT, UK
Možnosti využití
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