Detail produktu

Scheduling Advisor for Performance Tuning of Juniper Applications


Typ produktu



The Scheduling Advisor tool can analyse a Juniper application deployment plan and monitoring data on executions of Juniper programs, components of Juniper platform. The analysis results into a set of warnings and advice for optimization of the deployment plan. The tool take an XML document of the deployment plan and a JDBC URI for access to a monitoring data database, and produces the analytic results in the form of a plain-text human-readable description and an XML document suitable for further processing in Juniper tools (more specifically, in Modelio modelling environment). The tool was created for Java platform for hIgh PErformance and Real-time large scale data management (JUNIPER) project.

Klíčová slova

scheduling, deployment plan, distributed computing

Datum vzniku

11. 12. 2015


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