Detail produktu

DAQ system for TID testing of temperature coefficients of voltage references


Typ produktu

funkční vzorek


This system has been developed with the goal of measuring a total ionizing dose induced changes of of temperature coefficients of various commercial voltage references. It consists of a high resolution DAQ module which employs ten AD convertors allowing parallel sampling of the output voltage of voltage references under the test. The DAQ module is placed in a miniature oven allowing excellent stability of the readings. The voltage references under the test are attached to thermoelectric cooler allowing dynamic changes of their temperature and thus measuring changes of their temperature sensitivity. This part of the system is placed in the irradiation facility during the test. The DAQ software controls the whole test and is also responsible for data analysis.

Klíčová slova

voltage reference, TID, temperature coefficient, DAQ system

Datum vzniku

1. 9. 2016


168 Maxwell Avenue, Harwell, DIDCOT, Oxfordshire, OX 11 0QT, UK

Možnosti využití

K využití výsledku jiným subjektem je vždy nutné nabytí licence

Licenční poplatek

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