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Chofreh, A.G. Goni, F.A. Klemeš, J.J.
Originální název
Development of a Roadmap for Sustainable Enterprise Resource Planning Systems Implementation (Part II)
článek v časopise ve Web of Science, Jimp
Originální abstrakt
Organisations need to implement Sustainable Enterprise Resource Planning (S-ERP) systems to manage their sustainable business. This system enables an integration of sustainable processes, information and data on every level of the organisations' value chain. Leading information technology companies like Oracle, Microsoft, and Systemanalyse und Programmentwicklung (SAP) have developed such sustainable enterprise system. However, the problem faced by companies is in the implementation of the S-ERP systems. Due to the absence of a master plan, organisations are not always provided with a thorough plan on the implementation process of the system. This gap in the available knowledge has motivated researchers to engage in the development of a master plan to implement the S-ERP systems that consist of a roadmap, framework, and guidelines. The aim of this research is to concentrate on the development of the roadmap providing the implementation stages of the S-ERP systems. A conceptual research method is used in the study that is mainly dependent on the available literature. Numerous existing roadmaps are reviewed to expose the gaps and inconsistencies. Project management method is used as a basic concept for developing the roadmap. As a result, the roadmap includes three phases (pre-implementation, implementation, and post-implementation) and each of them includes numerous stages to implement the S-ERP systems. This roadmap would be useful for practitioners in providing the stages to implement the S-ERP system in their organisations.
Klíčová slova
Sustainable enterprise resource planning; Implementation; Master plan; Roadmap; Development
Chofreh, A.G.; Goni, F.A.; Klemeš, J.J.
10. 11. 2017
Journal of Cleaner Production
Spojené království Velké Británie a Severního Irska
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@article{BUT145947, author="Chofreh, A.G. and Goni, F.A. and Klemeš, J.J.", title="Development of a Roadmap for Sustainable Enterprise Resource Planning Systems Implementation (Part II)", journal="Journal of Cleaner Production", year="2017", number="166", pages="425--437", doi="10.1016/j.jclepro.2017.08.037", issn="0959-6526" }