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Mohammad Rozali, N.E. Manan, Z.A. Wan Alwi, S.R. Klemeš, J.J.
Originální název
Supply Planning and Demand Management of Hybrid Power Systems Using Process Integration
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Tools for modeling the optimal supply planning and efficient demand management of hybrid power systems (HPS) have been well established. However, complementary insight-based tools that can offer energy planners, decision-makers, energy managers, and electrical and power engineers with visualization insights that are essential for better understanding of HPS design and planning problems have just been developed over the last five years. This article describes the fundamentals and applications of the power pinch analysis (PoPA) graphical (insight-based) and algebraic tools for the optimal supply planning, and efficient demand management of HPS. PoPA has been among the new generation process integration resource conservation techniques following the developments of the heat, mass, water, gas, materials, property, solid, and carbon emission pinch analysis techniques. Case studies on PoPA applications presented in this article demonstrate its usefulness as tools to assist energy planners and energy managers in HPS supply planning as well as demand management. Supply Planning and Demand Management of Hybrid Power Systems Using Process... | Request PDF. Available from: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/315871660_Supply_Planning_and_Demand_Management_of_Hybrid_Power_Systems_Using_Process_Integration [accessed Mar 09 2018].
Klíčová slova
optimal supply planning; efficient demand management; hybrid power systems; energy planners
Mohammad Rozali, N.E.; Manan, Z.A.; Wan Alwi, S.R.; Klemeš, J.J.
1. 12. 2017
Reference Module in Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences
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