Detail produktu
Motor control software for fully electric glider
Typ produktu
Fully electric glider motor control software has been developed using a model-based design methodology that facilitates the overall process of certifying control software. The software allows the use of four operating modes of the PMSM drive (IDLE, BREAK, FULL, AUTO), which are switched by binary signals from the mode switch, as selected from a safety point of view. The SW is ready for integration of the AUTO control mode via the CAN communication bus. All of these modes use torque control of the motor. According to safety requirements, the use of a rotor position sensor with three Hall position sensors is assumed, which has high reliability. The PMSM control algorithm in the form of Simulink models was designed, implemented and tested in the MATLAB/Simulink environment. The algorithms created in this environment were first verified on an motor model. Subsequently, a C code of motor control was generated from the models, which was integrated together with tailor-made controllers into the microcontroller. The entire SW was tested on a TI Hercules TMS570 microcontroller designed for highly reliable applications. Low level drivers for SPI and RS485 interfaces were created in the processor for vibrodiagnostics purposes. Data was read out from onboard MEMS sensor using SPI at a speed of 10 MHz. Full duplex and reliable communication has been proved by transfer of a real time waveform while harmonic excitation was applied to the inverter control PCB. Communication is currently solved using polling method without using DMA controller. RS485 driver will be used for external smart vibration sensor communication purposes. Communication is based on the DMA transfer between peripheral and memory of a processor. Success of the transfer has been verified by repetitive transfer of one communication period from the SVS while it was harmonically excited.
Klíčová slova
PMS motor, torque control, software peripheral drivers, model based design, code generation, vibration diagnostics
Datum vzniku
3. 11. 2020
software úmístěný na CEITEC VUT
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