Detail produktu
Signal Transfer Path Simulator
Typ produktu
funkční vzorek
A signal transfer path simulator (STPS) is a hardware-in-the-loop simulator, able to acquire, sample, augment, delay and transmit the signal back to the communication channel. STPS was developed on an NI’s CompactRIO (cRIO) system, with a rugged controller cRIO-9053 used to handle both the signal simulation process and GUI. STPS implements a master-slave design pattern. A command, generated by a user via web server interface is passed from the RT system to the FPGA. Entire signal processing is implemented on the FPGA to ensure high stability and high speed of the application. The system is fitted NI 9775 14-bit digitizer module and NI 9262 16-bit AO module. STPS can process signals in the range of ±10 V at the speed of 1 MHz. The signal can be also divided and offsetted by a user-defined factor. A set of buffers is utilized both to simulate the delay in the communication channel and to shift the output signals by a desired value to simulate a different signal transfer path caused by a diversity signal propagation. The device can be used, for example, to simulate the signal delay in the transmission of ultrasonic signals through the environment, where the generated electrical signal to excite the transmitter is connected to the STPS input and the STPS output channels can serve as a simulated inputs of received signals from the environment.
Klíčová slova
transfer path channel simulator, HIL, CompactRIO
Datum vzniku
10. 2. 2020
Vysoké učení technické v Brně, CEITEC VUT Laboratoř pokročilých senzorů, B1.04 Purkyňova 656/123 612 00 Brno
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