Detail produktu

Intelligent framework for controlling the development of aerospace mechatronic systems


Typ produktu



The framework (software) is intended for testing mechatronic systems in the development or production of ECUs, the so-called UUT (Unit under Test). The software consists of 4 parts. The first part is TestICOP with GUI and core, where written tests are loaded as files written in Python and controlled here. The test uses defined commands to control DIO, AIO, CAN, CANaerospace, ARINC, calculation model, etc. Furthermore, the results of individual TC (Test Case) in TP (Test procedure) are displayed and the user can generate an output report with the appropriate settings. The second part is "Application.exe", which is used for communication with NI hardware, specifically for passing commands from the test to the RT layer of hardware. The third part is the universal code for the RT layer of the NI hardware, where the test commands are processed and the information is passed to the IO modules, the computational model and to the FPGA layer. The fourth part is the universal code for the FPGA layer, which according to the commands controls the IO modules and processes data from the input modules and generates output signals.

Klíčová slova

ICOP; TestICOP; Application; RT layer; FPGA layer; testing; mechatronic system

Datum vzniku

31. 12. 2020


Software je umístěn na VUT v Brně, Fakulta strojního inženýrství, Ústav automobilního a dopravního inženýrství, Technická 2896/2, 616 69 Brno, Česká republika a ve firmě UNIS, a.s. Jundrovská 1035/33, 624 00 Brno-Komín, Česká republika.

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Licenční poplatek

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