Detail produktu

Very High Speed Train Transmission


Typ produktu



High-speed train transmission is designed as single-stage conception and is developed for connection to the powertrain. On the input side, the transmission is connected to the motor via a gear coupling. The output shaft also represents the axis of the driven wheels. The gearbox is mounted on the input shaft side to the buggy by means of a reaction rod where the safety element is also located for case of its damage. Due to the location of the gearbox, the concept is supplemented with protective covers protecting the gearbox housing from damage from, for example, flying stones. Helical gears with modified tooth microgeometry are used in the gearbox to achieve a low transmission error value. Sufficient lubrication of the gears is ensured by wiping the output wheel in oil. At the same time, it is sprayed in the gearbox and trapped in the designed oil pockets, from which the channels are subsequently transported to the bearings.

Klíčová slova

Transmission, high speed train, vibration, noise, transmission error.

Datum vzniku

21. 12. 2020


IG Watteeuw CR s.r.o. Vídeňská 231/130, 619 00 Brno-jih

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