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Application of Model of Lower Limb Part in Ballistic Experiments
článek ve sborníku ve WoS nebo Scopus
Originální abstrakt
This article deals with an application of a model of part of lower limb (human thigh) in ballistic experiments and wounding effects of small arms projectiles (SAP) on human body. SAP of different designs and ballistic parameters are used for the ballistic experiment. There is also shown an essential method of indirect identification applied on the physical model that substitutes a real body part of hit man in this article. Design and creation of the physical model for ballistic experiments presume the use of both real biological tissue (pig's femur) and substitute tissue (ballistic gelatine). Ways of determination of basic properties of tissues are also described in this article. Experimentally obtained properties of target material (pig's tissue and ballistic gelatine) are compared with properties of human tissue. The ballistic experiment is focused on research into direct effects of SAP on human femur. Additional aim is examination of human bone and muscle tissue substitutions and their behaviour during small arm projectile penetration; including a movement of small arms projectile after the penetration. All experimental results are compared with real wounds of human lower limb. Differences between SAP wounding effects on the physical model and real human tissues are discussed at the end of this article.
Klíčová slova
Firing wounds, indirect identification method, small arm ammunition, ballistic system.
16. 11. 2004
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@inproceedings{BUT17931, author="Pavel {Novotný}", title="Application of Model of Lower Limb Part in Ballistic Experiments", year="2004", series="1", number="1", pages="25--31" }