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The built testbench is used for the acquisition of time courses of electrical quantities of IGBT modules during its switching processes. Data is recorded during the accelerated development of specific faults and will be used for subsequent analysis and development of algorithms for condition monitoring and predictive maintenance of inverters. The testbench consists of a protecting cage containing the IGBT module, control system, data acquisition oscilloscope, and an operator PC. At its core, the system utilizes the CompactRIO-9068 for data logging and test control/monitoring. The system was developed to assure modularity and scalability, with time critical tasks running on the FPGA, and the service tasks handled by the real-time engine of the system. The CompactRIO interacts with the device under test - DUT (IGBT), generating the required PWMs and measuring the required current and temperatures. As the transient voltage characteristics needed to be sampled at high sampling rate, outside of the specification of any commercially available NI C-Series module, an oscilloscope had to be added to the system. CompactRIO can configure the oscilloscope as necessary, and it can trigger it on demand as well. Furthermore, CompactRIO-9068 supports any modern USB external storage compatible with Linux, which was utilized for fast data storage. Additionally, an SFTP server for quick and simple access to the logged datasets was used as well.
Klíčová slova
IGBT module, condition monitoring, predictive maintenance, solder junction corruption, bond wire liftoff
Datum vzniku
12. 12. 2022
CEITEC Admas, 651/139, Purkyňova, 612 00 Brno
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