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A 700 V 280 A three-phase SiC inverter was developed to test the PMSM motor control software developed in the NewControl project, providing motor noise, vibration, and harness suppression. The functional sample was constructed to be efficient and reliable. The total volume of the inverter was not a concern. The preference was the simple accessibility of measurement points. It is designed as water-cooled and uses modern 1200V SiC switching devices (Infineon FF2MR12KM1P 62mm). The drivers of the switching devices (Microchip 2ASC-12A2HP) are software configurable, so tuning the switching transient response is possible. The cooler was milled from an aluminum block. The milled body of the cooler is composed of two parts. It has many tiny protrusions that ensure quick heat transfer to the coolant. The cooler was sealed with silicone paste and screwed together. The functional sample is also built for easy measurement of all electrical quantities and enables further modifications. The inverter was connected to the dSpace SCALEXIO system, and with implemented software, it was possible to run the motor and test it on a dynamometer. The functionality of the inverter was verified during the validation and testing phase of the NewControl project. It is expected that it will also be reused in other follow-up projects.
Klíčová slova
three-phase inverter; two-level inverter; PMSM; SiC inverter; NVH; motor control
Datum vzniku
3. 6. 2022
CEITEC Admas, 651/139, Purkyňova, 612 00 Brno
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