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funkční vzorek
The created functional sample represents a datalogger designed for collecting and storing analogue data from sensors with voltage output. It is designed as a device that independently collects measured data. By its nature, it is designed for both short-term and long-term measurements, storing and transmitting the measured data to a higher-level system. The developed datalogger is designed specifically for the needs of measurements on railway superstructure. It has the ability to record up to 12 analogue quantities in the form of electrical voltages in the range of 0 to 5 V. Primarily vibration, noise, deformation, displacement are to be recorded. The quantities are continuously stored on an SD card. The data logger is equipped with a touch screen for operation. It also has configuration options via wifi.
Klíčová slova
Datalogger, accelerometer, vibration, MEMS technology, railway superstructure
Datum vzniku
29. 12. 2023
Místnost ˇUstavu železničních konstrukcí a staveb, FAST, VUT, C242
Možnosti využití
K využití výsledku jiným subjektem je vždy nutné nabytí licence
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