Detail produktu

The software to evaluate slip waves, waviness and rail head roughness according to standards EN 13231 and EN 15610.


Typ produktu



It is a software for the evaluation of slip waves, waviness and roughness of the rail head according to the standards ČSN EN 13231 and ČSN EN 15610. The software is connected to the MDK SALAMANDER II measuring device from the company Komerční železniční výzkum. This company does not supply the software for the evaluation of the given parameters. At present, after market research, it has been found that similar software is not available on the market. The software provides the possibility of both individual and batch processing. It produces a measurement report from the data measured during the tests, calculating and displaying the slip waves distributed over four standard bands and the roughness versus stationing and wavelength at the rail head in the form of graphs and text files. A comparison with the limit values of the relevant standards is also included. At the same time, it provides the possibility of printing the report. The calculated data are stored in the subdirectory "Output", which is located there, the recorded data are stored. The operation of the software is intuitive. At the beginning it is enough to select the directory where the data from the tests and measurements are stored. Then you just select the selected analysis and calculation. The software also provides the option of archiving the measured data and results.

Klíčová slova

Software, slip waves, wave roughness, rail head, protocol, individual outputs, batch processing, EN 13231 and EN 15610

Datum vzniku

29. 5. 2024


C161, PC učebna ústavu C242

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