Detail produktu

Lumped Water Balance Model


Typ produktu



Software represents a lumped water balance rainfall-runoff hydrological model. The software allows the user to create a simulation model of the rainfall-runoff process in any catchment for which the user can provide the necessary measured climatological and hydrological data. The calibrated model then can be used to predict runoff from the catchment based on the predicted input data, allowing for some analysis of the impact of climate change on hydrological conditions in the landscape.

Klíčová slova

Water balance;rainfall-runoff;hydrological model;climate change;runoff simulation

Datum vzniku

1. 5. 2024


Produkt je umístěn na stánkách Ústavu vodního hospodářství krajiny.

Možnosti využití

K využití výsledku jiným subjektem je vždy nutné nabytí licence

Licenční poplatek

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