Detail patentu

Method for safe flushing of pipes of water supply network and mobile device for safe flushing of pipes of water supply network


Typ patentu



The European patent protects an innovative method for the safe cleaning of water distribution networks, which includes an automated device – a robotic solution that brings this technology into practice. This technology enables efficient removal of fine sediments from water-supply pipes during full operation, without the need to close the network or interrupt the water supply to consumers. Simultaneously, automatic measurement of key parameters such as pressure, flow rate, and water temperature is carried out. The collected data is then automatically processed on a server, analyzed, and clearly reported through predefined protocols. The technology, named “Astacus,” is designed for operators of water distribution networks, offering them an efficient way to maintain pipelines and ensure the high quality of supplied drinking water. One of its main advantages is its low water consumption during the cleaning process. Thanks to advanced optimization, the technology requires only 30 – 40 % of the water volume typically needed with traditional methods. Another key benefit is the full automation of field operations and the continuous acquisition of precise information about the hydraulic capacity of the pipes and water temperature, which are crucial factors for the efficient operation of water distribution networks. With built-in safety mechanisms, the robot prevents hydraulic shocks (water hammer), thereby reducing the risk of pipeline damage. The automated procedure also prevents the loss of internal pressure in the pipeline, which is a critical factor in preventing contamination of the water distribution network by surrounding environmental underground water.

Klíčová slova

water distribution networks; pipeline cleaning; automation; Astacus technology; drinking water; water quality

Číslo patentu


Datum přihlášky

2. 2. 2021

Datum zápisu

29. 11. 2024

Datum skončení platnosti

1. 2. 2041


Vysoké ucení technické v Brne Antonínská 548/1 60190 Brno / CZ

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