Detail produktu
Workstation for the characterization of acoustic sensors in the ultrasonic range
Typ produktu
funkční vzorek
The measuring workstation is a system for testing the parameters of miniature acoustic sensors and actuators in the ultrasonic range up to 100 kHz, primarily made using MEMS technology. It uses an anechoic chamber (volume of 1 m³) and a measurement system based on the NI PXI platform for measuring signals from MEMS sensors. The system includes a high-speed digitizer, DAQ card, and FPGA for signal processing. The reference measurement device is a GRAS 46DE capacitive microphone with a preamplifier. Ultrasound signal generation is provided by piezoelectric actuators from KEMO Electronic, covering the frequency range of 2 kHz to 60 kHz. The workstation enables testing of commercial and specialized MEMS sensors for collecting acoustic signals in the frequency range up to 85 kHz, such as acoustic emissions during partial discharge. The system also allows testing of the acoustic transmission channel for digital communication and synchronization.
Klíčová slova
sensors characterization, acoustic sensors, acoustic actuators, anechoic chamber, measurement system, PXI platform, ultrasound signals
Datum vzniku
11. 12. 2024
Vysoké učení technické v Brně, CEITEC VUT Laboratoř B2.07 Purkyňova 656/123 612 00 Brno
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