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Combined heat and power and renewable sources represent an up-to-date way of energy production. Czech energy policy expects some three- to four times increase in the share of these resources in the coming 10 years. The proposed unit is in practice of ecological and economical significance. For the above reasons the submitted project is considered by us to be a topical one for operators and potential exporters from among the ranks of small and medium-size enterprises. Micro plant prototype for combined heat and power production on the basis of a 3 kW external combustion engine. Solution of the given complex problem was based on a detailed analysis and critical evaluation of the existing scientific knowledge and the know-how, and involved the application of general power engineering, thermodynamics and thermokinetics, computer-aided design, applied mechanics, strength of materials, material engineering, production technology, electrical engineering and technical experiment. Computational modeling of real working cycles of external combustion engines and application of virtual prototypes used when optimizing their mechanical structures enabled to shorten considerably many development tasks. The first stage of solution included building of a micro plant with electric output to 500 W.
Klíčová slova
Stirling engine, heat and powerplant, gama-type
Datum vzniku
11. 12. 2006
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