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This program is focused on the analysis of dynamic behavior of elastic body moving in liquid. In many technical applications this motion is with large displacements. Some technical applications can be vibration of blades or rotors in centrifugal pumps or water turbines. But on other hand presented approach has more general application. In general case dynamic behavior are the modal behavior, steady state response and nonstationary response. Because of are assumed the large displacements, this analysis is nonlinear and modal behavior depends on a parameters. In this software is presented the mathematical model of a new type of boundary conditions which allowed the modal analysis and computing the steady state response. In principle this analysis is if the frequency domain. It is necessary provided some testing, because this approach is new. For this case, the curvilinear co-ordinates were chosen. The Bézier body was chosen for the description of geometrical configuration and also for approximation the solution. MATLAB programme code was chosen for software processing
Klíčová slova
Fluid structure interaction, finite element method, added mass, added damping
Datum vzniku
9. 12. 2008
VUT FS Technicka 2, 616 69 Brno
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